Coding Guidelines for Java

Note: This document is a work in progress.

In General we follow the Google Java Code Style Guide with a few exceptions. See:


All OpenDaylight projects automatically run Checkstyle, as the maven-checkstyle-plugin is declared in the odlparent.

Checkstyle Warnings are considered as errors by default since Magnesium. They will prevent your project from building if code violations are found. Checkstyle enforcement can be disabled by defining the following property in the related pom.xml:


Utility classes with only static methods

In general we recommend that you typically do not overuse utility classes with only static methods, but instead write helper @Singleton classes without static methods which you can easily @Inject via Dependency Injection into other classes requiring them. This makes it easier to use non-static helpers in other utilities which can then in turn be @Inject into your helper (which you cannot do with static). It also makes it easier to mock the helpers for use in unit tests.

If you must write utility classes with only static methods, or have existing code that is not trivial to change, then please mark the respective class final, and give it a private constructor. Please do not throw any exception from the private constructor (it is not required).

Suggested process (steps) to move a non-compliant project to enforcement

We recommend moving existing at least large projects (which typically have hundreds or thousands of Checkstyle violations) to full compliance and enforcement through a series of Gerrit changes on single artefacts (bundles), as opposed to a single change fixing everything and change the POM to enable enforcement all in one go (god forbid for an entire repository and not just a single artifact), because:

  1. single review would be virtually impossible to even remotely sensibly code review by committers

  2. batching style changes by type is easy to review (and approve lines in bulk “by trust”), for example:

    1. (…project name…) Organize Imports for Checkstyle compliance

    2. (…project name…) Checkstyle compliance: line length

    3. (…project name…) Checkstyle compliance: various types of small changes

    4. ‘’(…project name…) Checkstyle compliant Exception handling’

    5. ‘’(…project name…) Checkstyle final clean up & enforcement’

  3. it’s particularly important to split and separately submit “trivial pure cosmetic” (e.g. code formatting) from “interesting impactful” (e.g. changes to exception handling) changes required by Checkstyle

  4. in general, doing small steps and intermediate merges are more rewarding for contributing developers than long running massive Gerrit changes

  5. more small changes makes the contributors Stats Great Again (ODL top contributors submit massive amounts of micro changes)

During such a process, it should be considered “normal” and perfectly acceptable, that new intermediately merged changes introduce some (small) regressions and “re-dirty” some previously cleaned up files; it’s OK that they’ll be re-fixed as part of new changes by the developers contributing the clean up in new changes (or rebases) - until enforcement is enabled at the end of a series of clean up changes.


If really needed, projects can override individual Checkstyle rules on a case-by-case basis by using a @SuppressWarnings annotation:

public AbstractDataTreeListener (INetvirtSfcOF13Provider provider, Class<T> clazz) {

The rule ID (e.g. checkstyle:methodparampad above) is the name of the respective Checkstyle module; these IDs can be found e.g. in the git/odlparent/checkstyle/src/main/resources/odl_checks.xml configuration, or directly on the Checkstyle website from the list. For example, for the rule you would put @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:EqualsHashCode").

This @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:...") should in practice be very very rarely needed. Please put a comment explaining why you need to suppress a Checkstyle warning into the code for other to understand, for example:

// In this particular case an equals without hashCode is OK because
// [explain!] (I'm a certified grown up and know what I'm doing.)
public boolean equals(Object obj) {

Please contact if you feel a Checkstyle rule is too strict in general and should be reviewed.

The Evolving Checkstyle old wiki page documents how to test changes to Checkstyle rules.

Notes for particular Checks

{@inheritDoc} JavaDoc

This JavaDoc is useless visual noise that hinders code readability. It is not required to put this, and has no impact. JavaDoc does this by default:

 * {@inheritDoc}
@Override // (or on a constructor)

The only case where {@inheritDoc} is useful is when you actually have additional Java documentation. Default JavaDoc interprets as replace the parent documentation. If you truly want the full text of the parent to be copy/pasted by JavaDoc in addition to your additional one, then use:

 * {@inheritDoc}
 * For this specific implementation...
@Override // (or on a constructor)

See also &


Instead of declaring “throws Exception”, in almost all cases you should instead throw a custom existing or new ODL Exception. Instead of an unchecked exception (unchecked = extends RuntimeException; if you must for some technical reason, but should be rare, and avoided), it’s recommended to use a custom module specific checked exception (checked = extends Exception); which can wrap a caught RuntimeException, if needed.

In order to avoid proliferation of many kinds of checked Exception subtypes for various particular nitty gritty things which could possibly go wrong, note that it in ODL is perfectly OK & recommended to have just ONE checked exception for a small given functional ODL module (subsystem), and throw that from all of its API methods. This makes sense because a typical caller wouldn’t want do anything different - what you are “bubbling up” is just that one of the operations which one module asked another ODL module to do couldn’t be performed. This avoids having multiple throws for each exception in API methods, and having problems with extendibility due to having to add more exceptions to the “throws” declaration of API methods.

The exception for “throws Exception” may be a main() method where it’s customary to let anything propagate to the CLI, or @Test testSomething() throws Exception where it is acceptable (Checkstyle does NOT flag this particular use of “throws Exception” in @Test methods).


The IllegalCatch violation should almost never be suppressed in regular “functional” code. Normal code should only catch specific sub classes of the checked Exception, and never any generic and/or unchecked exceptions.

In the old pre-Java 7 days, some people used “catch (Exception e)” to “save typing” as a shorthand for having to catch a number of possibly thrown types of checked exceptions declared with “throws” by a method within the try block. Nowadays, since Java 7, using a multi-catch block is the right way to do this. In addition to being “nicer” to read because it’s clearer, much more importantly than, a multi-catch does not also accidentally catch RuntimeException, as catch (Exception e) would. Catching RuntimeException such as NullPointerException & Co. is typically not what the developer who used “catch (Exception e)” as shorthand intended.

If a catch (Exception e) is used after a try { } block which does not call any methods declaring that they may throw checked exceptions with their throws clause (perhaps not anymore, after code was changed), then that catch may really have been intended to catch any possible RuntimeException instead? In that case, if there exceptionally really is a particular reason to want to “do something and recover from anything that could possibly go wrong, incl. NullPointerException, IndexOutOfBoundsException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException & Co.”, then it is clearer to just catch (RuntimeException e) instead of catch (Exception e). Before doing this, double check that this truly is the intention of that code, by having a closer look at code called within the try, and see if that called code couldn’t simply be made more robust. Be particularly careful with methods declaring checked exceptions in their “throws” clause: if any matching exception is thrown inside the “try” block, changing “catch (Exception e)” to “catch (RuntimeException e)” could change the method behavior since the exception will exit the method instead of being processed by the “catch” block.

Proliferation of catch (Exception or RuntimeException e) { LOG.error(“It failed”, e); } in regular “functional” code is a symptom of a missing abstraction in framework code; e.g. an Abstract interface implementation helper with correct default error handling, so that functional code does not have to repeat this over and over again. For example:

  1. For DataBroker related transaction management, check out the (at the time of writing still in review) new utilities from c/63372 & Co.

  2. For RPC related catch, see c/63413

  3. Instead of catch(Exception) after a try { close(anAutoCloseable) } just use AutoCloseables.closeOrWarn(anAutoCloseable) introduced in

Sometimes developers also simply don’t see that an existing framework API intends implementations to simply propagate their errors up to them. For example, for Exception handling in:

  1. OsgiCommandSupport’s doExecute(), the right thing to do is… nothing. The parent doExecute() method declaration throws Exception, and that is intentional by the Good People of Karaf. Therefore, catch(Exception) in a OsgiCommandSupport’s doExecute is not required : in this case it’s perfectly OK to just let any error “propagate” upwards automatically. If doExecute() calls other private methods of an OsgiCommandSupport implementation, then it is perfectly OK to make those methods declare "throws SomeException" too, and not “handle” them yourself.

  2. Callable’s call() passed to a DataStoreJobCoordinator enqueueJob(), the right thing to do is… nothing. Do not catch (Exception) but let it propagate. If it’s useful to “augment” the exception message with more custom details which are available inside Callable’s call(), then the right thing to do is to catch (Exception e) { throw new YourProjectApiException("Failed to ... for {}", aDetail, e); } and, exceptionally, use @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalCatch").

  3. org.opendaylight.infrautils.inject.AbstractLifecycle’s start() and stop() methods, again the right thing to do is… nothing. Do not catch any Exception but let it propagate.

Here are some cases where catch(Exception) is almost always wrong, and a respective @SuppressWarnings almost never acceptable:

  1. In Tests code you typically just @Test testSomething() throws (Some)Exception instead of catch, or uses @Test(expected = ReadFailedException.class). One rare case we have seen where it’s justified is a @Test(expected = ReadFailedException.class) with catch (Exception e) throw e.getCause().

  2. In one time “setup” (initialization) kind of code. For example, catch for a DataBroker registerDataChangeListener makes little sense - it’s typically much better to let a failure to register a data change listener “bubble up” then continue, even if logged, and have users wonder why the listener isn’t working much later.

Only in lower-level “Framework” kind of code, catch (Exception e) is sometimes justified / required, and thus @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalCatch") acceptable.

Catching Throwable in particular is considered an absolute No No (see e.g. discussion in in almost all cases. You may got confused any meant to catch Exception (see above) or RuntimeException?

Carefully consider whether you mean to catch and set some flag and/or log, and then rethrow, or intended to “swallow” the exception.


The RegexpSingleLineJava “Line contains console output” and “Line contains printStackTrace” should NEVER be suppressed.

In src/main code, System.out.println has no place, ever (it should probably be a; and System.err probably a LOG.error).

In Java code producing Karaf console output, we should only use System.out, and add the corresponding @SuppressWarnings. System.out handles pipes and remote sessions correctly.

In src/test code, there should be no need to write things out - the point of a test is to assert something. During development of a test it is sometimes handy to print things to the console to see what is going on instead of using the debugger, but this should be removed in final code, for clarity, and non-verbose test execution. If you must, do you a Logger even in a test - just like in src/main code. This also makes it easier to later move code such as helper methods from test to production code.

Javadoc Paragraph: < p > tag should be preceded with an empty line

Checkstyle (rightfully) flags this kind of JavaDoc up as not ideal for readability:

 * Utilities for...
 * <p>This...

and you can address this either like this:

 * Utilities for...
 * <p>This...

or like this:

 * Utilities for...
 * <p/>
 * This...

Different ODL developers agree to disagree on which of the above is more readable.

Additional Resources

Classes methods / fields ordering

Ordering based on modifiers. This is based on visibility and mutability:

public static final fields
static final fields
private static final fields
private final fields
private non-final fields
private volatile fields
private constructors
public constructors
static factory methods
public methods
static methods
private methods
The first group should be very strict, with the exception of FieldUpdaters, which should be private static final, but defined just above the volatile field they access. The reason for that is they are tied via a string literal name.

The second group is less clear-cut and depends on how instances are created – there are times when juggling the order makes it easier to understand what is going on (e.g. co-locating a private static method with static factory method which uses it).

The third group is pretty much free-for-all. The goal is to group things so that people do not have scroll around to understand the code flow. Public methods are obviously entry-points, hence are mostly glanced over by users.

Overall this has worked really well so far because;

  • the first group gives a 10000-foot overview of what is going on in the class, its footprint and references to other classes

  • the second group gives instantiation entry-points, useful for examining who creates the objects and how

  • the third group is implementation details – for when you really need to dive into the details.

Note this list does not include non-private fields. The reason is that public fields should be forbidden, as should be any mutable non-private fields. The reason for that is they are a nightmare to navigate when attempting to reason about object life-cycle.

Same reasoning applies to inner class, keep them close to the methods which use them so that the class is easy to read. If the inner class needs to be understood before the methods that operate on it, place it before them, otherwise (especially if it’s an implementation detail) after them. That’s when an inner class is appropriate of course.


The infrautils projects has adopted the error-prone code quality tool (by Google), with suitable customized configuration.

You can use it by using org.opendaylight.infrautils:parent instead of org.opendaylight.odlparent:bundle-parent.

Note that @SuppressWarnings("InconsistentOverloads") needs to be placed on the class, not method; see and


SpotBugs is the successor project to FindBugs (which is dead).

SpotBugs is enforced by default across all artifacts since Magnesium. For artifacts that do not pass SpotBugs, either fix them or disable enforcement by defining the following property in the pom.xml:


All notes re. FindBugs listed below do still apply to SpotBugs as well (it’s compatible).


Note that starting with odlparent 3.0.0 when we say “FindBugs” we now actually mean “SpotBugs”, see above.


If really needed, projects can to override individual FindBugs rules on a case-by-case basis by using a @SuppressFBWarnings annotation:

public V get(K key) {

Unchecked/unconfirmed cast from to etc.

FindBugs seems to be too dumb to deal with perfectly valid Google Truth test code (which does not use any explicit cast…) so it’s OK to:


an entire JUnit *Test class because of that.


see the general null analysis next chapter.


Some of the content from this chapter may be moved to later…

Everything @NonNullByDefault

Do not use null anywhere, assume all method arguments and return values are NonNullByDefault.

null annotations from org.eclipse.jdt.annotation instead of javax.annotation

We prefer using the null annotations from the package org.eclipse.jdt.annotation , instead of the ones from javax.annotation (or those from org.jetbrains:annotations, or … Android/Lombok's/some of the other ones out there).

This is because the org.eclipse one are modern generics enabled @Target TYPE_USE annotations, whereas the other ones are not.

Obviously we do NOT “depend on Eclipse” in any way, or “need Eclipse at run-time” just because of 4 annotations from an org.eclipse package, which are available in a very small JAR at build-time; e.g. org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull is absolutely no different from javax.annotation.Nullable, in that regard.

BTW: The javax.annotation NonNull & Co. are not more or less “official” than others; Prof. FindBugs Bill Pugh pushed those to Maven central, but his “dormant” JSR 305 was never officially finalized and approved; he’s since moved on, and no longer maintains FindBugs.

The Eclipse annotations are also supported by SpotBugs/FindBugs (says this issue) as well as NullAway.

null analysis by FindBugs VS. Eclipse JDT

FindBugs’ null analysis is inferior to Eclipse JDT’s, because:

  • richer null analysis

  • generics enabled (see above)

  • works with existing external libraries, through external annotations, see

  • much better in-IDE support, at least for Eclipse users

WIP: We are aiming at, eventualy, running headless Eclipse JDT-based null analysis during the build, not just for users of the Eclipse IDE UI; watchissue ODLPARENT-116 , and

BTW: FindBugs is dead anyway, long live SpotBugs! _TODO Gerrit & more documentation to clarify this…_

PS: An alternative interesting null checker tool is the Checker Framework.

Runtime null checks

In addition to static null analysis during development, you can check null safety at run-time. Please use either JDK’s Object’s requireNonNull () or Guava’s Preconditions checkNotNull() utility, instead of if (something == null). Please also use the variant of requireNonNull() or checkNotNull() with the String message to indicate what argument is checked. For example:

public doSomething(Something something) {
    this.something = Objects.requireNonNull(something, "something");

We recommend use of JDK’s Object’s requireNonNull() instead of Guava’s Preconditions checkNotNull() just because the String message of the former can prevent the problem you can have with the latter if you confuse the order of the arguments.

We accept and think its OK that checkNotNull() throws a NullPointerException and not an IllegalArgumentException (even though code otherwise should never manually throw new NullPointerException), because in this particular case a NullPointerException would have happened anyway later, so it’s just an earlier NullPointerException, with added information of what is null.

We NEVER catch (NullPointerException e) anywhere, because they are programming errors which should “bubble up”, to be fixed, not suppressed.


You do not have to use Optional, because real null analysis can give us the same benefit.

If cleaning up code for null safety, then do not mix introducing Optional with other null related clean up changes; it’s clearer for reviews if you FIRST fix missing null checks and add null related annotations, and then THEN (optionally) switch some return types to Optional.

You can use Optional for return types, but not method arguments.

Never use Optional<Collection<...>> (obviously incl. Optional<List<...>> or Optional<Set<...>> AND Optional<Map<...>> etc.), just return a respective empty Collection instead.

Note that instead of if (anOptional.isPresent()) { return anOptional.get(); } else { return null; } you can and for readability should just use return anOptional.orNull(). However ideally any such code should not return null but an Optional of something itself.

Note that instead of if (aNullable == null) ? Optional.absent() : Optional.of(aNullable)a ;you can and for readability should just use Optional.fromNullable(aNullable).

To transform an Optional into something else if it present, use the transform() method instead of an if () check;. for example:

List vrfEntries =, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, vpnVrfTables).transform(VrfTables::getVrfEntry).or(new ArrayList<>());

Take care with Optional.transform() though: if the transformation can return null, Optional.transform() will fail with a NullPointerException (this is the case of most YANG-generated methods). You can use Java 8 instead; when it encounters null, it returns Optional.empty(). The above example would become

List<VrfEntry> vrfEntries =, LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, vpnVrfTables).toJavaUtil().map(VrfTables::getVrfEntry).orElse(new ArrayList<>());

Prefer the newer Java 8 java.util.Optional (JUO) over the older Google Guava (GGO), because it offers a better functional style API for use with Java 8 lambdas, which leads to much more naturally readable code. Until we fully migrate all ODL APIs (which is planned), in glue code calling existing APIs returning GGO (such as the DataBroker API) but itself then wanting to return a function of that as JUO, please just use the toJavaUtil() method available in Guava Optional.

Further Reading & Watching

Streaming and lambdas

Lambdas are very useful when encapsulating varying behavior. For example, you can use them instead of boolean behavior selection parameters:

public void someMethodA(SomeObject A) {
    commonMethod(A, false);

public void someMethodB(SomeObject B) {
    commonMethod(B, true);

private void commonMethod(SomeObject C, boolean behaviour) {
    // common code

    if (behaviour) {
    } else {

    // common code

can be replaced with

public void someMethodA(SomeObject A) {
    commonMethod(A, this::doA);

public void someMethodB(SomeObjectB) {
    commonMethod(B, this::doB);

private void commonMethod(SomeObject C, Function behaviour) {
    // common code


    // common code

They are also useful for replacing small anonymous inner classes which follow the functional pattern (implementing an interface with a single non-default method). Your IDE will typically suggest such transformations.

Lambdas should be avoided when the resulting code is more complex and/or longer than the non-functional form. This can happen particularly with streaming.

Streaming also has its place, especially when combined with Optional (see above) or when processing collections. It should however be avoided when many objects are created in the resulting lambda expressions, especially if DTOs end up being necessary to convey information from one lambda to the next where a single variable could do the trick in a more traditional form. (TODO: provide examples.)