Reconciliation CLI and Alarm

This spec addresses following enhancement in Openflowplugin module:

Addition of user triggered reconciliation via karaf cli command or rpc in Openflowplugin.

Problem description

Whenever there is a state (flow/group) mismatch between config inventory and Openflow switch, user has to either restart the Openflow switch or odl controller. This will sync the state again between odl controller and Openflow switch.


User can trigger reconciliation to sync the state between controller and Openflow switch. It can be done either via karaf cli command or rest rpc.

Reconciliation Alarm

Reconciliation alarm will be generated whenever user trigger the reconciliation via cli command or rest rpc and the same will be cleared once reconciliation is completed.

Use Cases

  1. Trigger reconciliation for a single Openflow switch

  2. Trigger reconciliation for a list of Openflow switch

  3. Trigger reconciliation for all the connected Openflow switches

  4. Raise alarm whenever user triggers reconciliation for a Openflow switch

  5. Clear the alarm when the reconciliation completed for a Openflow swtich

Proposed change

Karaf CLI command will be added to trigger reconciliation for the given Openflow nodes. Rest rpc will be exposed to trigger reconciliation for the given Openflow nodes.

Feature odl-openflowplugin-app-southbound-cli should be installed in order to get these karaf cli and rest rpc. This feature is not part of any existing openflowplugin features and has to be installed explicitly by user.

Ref: Southbound CLI

Below two CLIs will be added,

  • openflow:reconcile

  • openflow:getreconciliationcount

Pipeline changes


Yang changes

container reconciliation-counter {
    description "Number of reconciliation triggered for openflow nodes";
    config false;
    list reconcile-counter {
        key node-id;
        uses counter;

grouping counter {
    leaf node-id {
        type uint64;
    leaf success-count {
        type uint32;
        default 0;
    leaf failure-count {
        type uint32;
        default 0;
    leaf last-request-time {
        description "Timestamp when reconciliation was last requested";
        type string;

container reconciliation-state {
    description "Reconciliation state for the given openflow nodes";
    config false;
    list reconciliation-state-list {
        key node-id;
        uses node-reconcile-state;

grouping node-reconcile-state {
    leaf node-id {
        type uint64;
    leaf state {
        description "Expresses the current state of the reconcile on a specific NODE";
        type enumeration {
            enum IN_PROGRESS;
            enum COMPLETED;
            enum FAILED;

rpc reconcile {
    description "Request the reconciliation for given device or set of devices to the controller."
    input {
        leaf-list nodes {
            description "List of nodes to be reconciled";
            type uint64;
        leaf reconcile-all-nodes {
            description "Flag to indicate that all nodes to be reconciled";
            type boolean;
            mandatory false;
            default false;
    output {
        leaf result {
            type boolean;
        leaf-list inprogress-nodes {
            description "List of nodes that are already in reconciling mode";
            type uint64;

Targeted Release



Disconnect the device from controller and reconnect or restart the controller.



Install odl-openflowplugin-app-southbound-cli feature.


Trigger reconciliation for a connected openflow node via cli command openflow:reconcile.

opendaylight-user@root>openflow:reconcile 244711506862915
reconcile successfully completed for the nodes

Trigger reconciliation for all the connected openflow nodes via cli command openflow:reconcile -all.

openflow:reconcile -all
      opendaylight-user@root>openflow:reconcile -all
      reconcile successfully completed for the nodes

Get details about number of times user triggered reconciliation for openflow nodes via openflow:getreconciliationcount.

NodeId              ReconcileSuccessCount     ReconcileFailureCount     LastReconcileTime
244711506862915     2                         0                         2018-06-06T11:51:51.989


Trigger reconciliation for a single datapath node.

POST /restconf/operations/reconciliation:reconcile
  "input" :  {

Get reconciliation counter details

GET /restconf/operational/reconciliation:reconciliation-counter

Request URL

Response Body
  "reconciliation-counter": {
    "reconcile-counter": [
        "node-id": 244711506862915,
        "success-count": 4,
        "last-request-time": "2018-06-06T12:09:53.325"

Trigger reconciliation for a openflow switch using routed rpc. This rpc will be exposed without installing southbound-cli feature and user can trigger reconciliation for the given Openflow node. This will not affect the counter and alarm.

POST /restconf/operations/reconciliation:reconcile-node
  "input": {
    "nodeId": "244711506862915",
    "node": "/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/opendaylight-inventory:node[opendaylight-inventory:id='openflow:244711506862915']"

Request URL

Response Body
  "output": {
    "result": true



Primary assignee:


Work Items

  • Implementation of cli to trigger reconciliation for openflow node(s).

  • Implementation of reconciliation alarm for user triggered reconciliation.


No new dependencies.


Unit Tests

  1. Verify reconciliation for single openflow node

  2. Verify reconciliation for list of openflow nodes

  3. Verify reconciliation for all the openflow nodes

  4. Verify reconciliation alarm generated for user triggered reconciliation node

  5. Verify reconciliation alarm cleared once the reconciliation completed



Documentation Impact


