OpenFlow Plugin Project Developer Guide¶
This section covers topics which are developer specific and which have not been covered in the user guide. Please see the OpenFlow plugin user guide first.
It can be found on the OpenDaylight software download page.
Event Sequences¶
Session Establishment¶
The OpenFlow Protocol Library provides interface SwitchConnectionHandler which contains method onSwitchConnected (step 1). This event is raised in the OpenFlow Protocol Library when an OpenFlow device connects to OpenDaylight and caught in the ConnectionManagerImpl class in the OpenFlow plugin.
There the plugin creates a new instance of the ConnectionContextImpl class (step 1.1) and also instances of HandshakeManagerImpl (which uses HandshakeListenerImpl) and ConnectionReadyListenerImpl. ConnectionReadyListenerImpl contains method onConnectionReady() which is called when connection is prepared. This method starts the handshake with the OpenFlow device (switch) from the OpenFlow plugin side. Then handshake can be also started from device side. In this case method shake() from HandshakeManagerImpl is called (steps 1.1.1 and 2).
The handshake consists of an exchange of HELLO messages in addition to an exchange of device features (steps 2.1. and 3). The handshake is completed by HandshakeManagerImpl. After receiving device features, the HandshakeListenerImpl is notifed via the onHanshakeSuccessfull() method. After this, the device features, node id and connection state are stored in a ConnectionContext and the method deviceConnected() of DeviceManagerImpl is called.
When deviceConnected() is called, it does the following:
creates a new transaction chain (step 4.1)
creates a new instance of DeviceContext (step 4.2.2)
initializes the device context: the static context of device is populated by calling createDeviceFeaturesForOF<version>() to populate table, group, meter features and port descriptions (step 4.2.1 and
creates an instance of RequestContext for each type of feature
When the OpenFlow device responds to these requests (step with multipart replies (step 5) they are processed and stored to MD-SAL operational datastore. The createDeviceFeaturesForOF<version>() method returns a Future which is processed in the callback (step 5.1) (part of initializeDeviceContext() in the deviceConnected() method) by calling the method onDeviceCtxLevelUp() from StatisticsManager (step 5.1.1).
The call to createDeviceFeaturesForOF<version>(): . creates a new instance of StatisticsContextImpl (step
calls gatherDynamicStatistics() on that instance which returns a Future which will produce a value when done
this method calls methods to get dynamic data (flows, tables, groups) from the device (step,,
if everything works, this data is also stored in the MD-SAL operational datastore
If the Future is successful, it is processed (step 6.1.1) in a callback in StatisticsManagerImpl which:
schedules the next time to poll the device for statistics
sets the device state to synchronized (step
calls onDeviceContextLevelUp() in RpcManagerImpl
The onDeviceContextLevelUp() call:
creates a new instance of RequestContextImpl
registers implementation for supported services
calls onDeviceContextLevelUp() in DeviceManagerImpl (step which causes the information about the new device be be written to the MD-SAL operational datastore (step

Session establishment¶
The first thing that happens when an OpenFlow device connects to OpenDaylight is that the OpenFlow plugin gathers basic information about the device and establishes agreement on key facts like the version of OpenFlow which will be used. This process is called the handshake.
The handshake starts with HELLO message which can be sent either by the OpenFlow device or the OpenFlow plugin. After this, there are several scenarios which can happen:
if the first HELLO message contains a version bitmap, it is possible to determine if there is a common version of OpenFlow or not:
if there is a single common version use it and the VERSION IS SETTLED
if there are more than one common versions, use the highest (newest) protocol and the VERSION IS SETTLED
if there are no common versions, the device is DISCONNECTED
if the first HELLO message does not contain a version bitmap, then STEB-BY-STEP negotiation is used
if second (or more) HELLO message is received, then STEP-BY-STEP negotiation is used
STEP-BY-STEP negotiation:¶
if last version proposed by the OpenFlow plugin is the same as the version received from the OpenFlow device, then the VERSION IS SETTLED
if the version received in the current HELLO message from the device is the same as from previous then negotiation has failed and the device is DISCONNECTED
if the last version from the device is greater than the last version proposed from the plugin, wait for the next HELLO message in the hope that it will advertise support for a lower version
if the last version from the device is is less than the last version proposed from the plugin:
propose the highest version the plugin supports that is less than or equal to the version received from the device and wait for the next HELLO message
if if the plugin doesn’t support a lower version, the device is DISCONNECTED
After selecting of version we can say that the VERSION IS SETTLED and the OpenFlow plugin can ask device for its features. At this point handshake ends.

Handshake process¶
Adding a Flow¶
There are two ways to add a flow in in the OpenFlow plugin: adding it to the MD-SAL config datastore or calling an RPC. Both of these can either be done using the native MD-SAL interfaces or using RESTCONF. This discussion focuses on calling the RPC.
If user send flow via REST interface (step 1) it will cause that invokeRpc() is called on RpcBroker. The RpcBroker then looks for an appropriate implementation of the interface. In the case of the OpenFlow plugin, this is the addFlow() method of SalFlowServiceImpl (step 1.1). The same thing happens if the RPC is called directly from the native MD-SAL interfaces.
The addFlow() method then
calls the commitEntry() method (step 2) from the OpenFlow Protocol Library which is responsible for sending the flow to the device
creates a new RequestContext by calling createRequestContext() (step 3)
creates a callback to handle any events that happen because of sending the flow to the device
The callback method is triggered when a barrier reply message (step 2.1) is received from the device indicating that the flow was either installed or an appropriate error message was sent. If the flow was successfully sent to the device, the RPC result is set to success (step 5). // SalFlowService contains inside method addFlow() other callback which caught notification from callback for barrier message.
At this point, no information pertaining to the flow has been added to the MD-SAL operational datastore. That is accomplished by the periodic gathering of statistics from OpenFlow devices.
The StatisticsContext for each given OpenFlow device periodically polls it using gatherStatistics() of StatisticsGatheringUtil which issues an OpenFlow OFPT_MULTIPART_REQUEST - OFPMP_FLOW. The response to this request (step 7) is processed in StatisticsGatheringUtil class where flow data is written to the MD-SAL operational datastore via the writeToTransaction() method of DeviceContext.

Add flow¶
Description of OpenFlow Plugin Modules¶
The OpenFlow plugin project contains a variety of OpenDaylight modules, which are loaded using the configuration subsystem. This section describes the YANG files used to model each module.
General model (interfaces) - openflow-plugin-cfg.yang.
the provided module is defined (
identity openflow-provider
)and target implementation is assigned (
module openflow-provider {
yang-version 1;
namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:openflow:common:config[urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:openflow:common:config]";
prefix "ofplugin-cfg";
import config {prefix config; revision-date 2013-04-05; }
revision "2014-03-26" {
"Initial revision";
identity openflow-provider{
base config:service-type;
config:java-class "";
Implementation model - openflow-plugin-cfg-impl.yang
the implementation of module is defined (
identity openflow-provider-impl
)class name of generated implementation is defined (ConfigurableOpenFlowProvider)
via augmentation the configuration of module is defined:
this module requires instance of binding-aware-broker (
container binding-aware-broker
)and list of openflow-switch-connection-provider (those are provided by openflowjava, one plugin instance will orchestrate multiple openflowjava modules)
module openflow-provider-impl {
yang-version 1;
namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:openflow:common:config:impl[urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:openflow:common:config:impl]";
prefix "ofplugin-cfg-impl";
import config {prefix config; revision-date 2013-04-05;}
import openflow-provider {prefix openflow-provider;}
import openflow-switch-connection-provider {prefix openflow-switch-connection-provider;revision-date 2014-03-28;}
import opendaylight-md-sal-binding { prefix md-sal-binding; revision-date 2013-10-28;}
revision "2014-03-26" {
"Initial revision";
identity openflow-provider-impl {
base config:module-type;
config:provided-service openflow-provider:openflow-provider;
config:java-name-prefix ConfigurableOpenFlowProvider;
augment "/config:modules/config:module/config:configuration" {
case openflow-provider-impl {
when "/config:modules/config:module/config:type = 'openflow-provider-impl'";
container binding-aware-broker {
uses config:service-ref {
refine type {
mandatory true;
config:required-identity md-sal-binding:binding-broker-osgi-registry;
list openflow-switch-connection-provider {
uses config:service-ref {
refine type {
mandatory true;
config:required-identity openflow-switch-connection-provider:openflow-switch-connection-provider;
Generating config and sal classes out of yangs¶
In order to involve suitable code generators, this is needed in pom:
<build> ...
JMX generator (target/generated-sources/config)
sal CodeGeneratorImpl (target/generated-sources/sal)
Altering generated files¶
Those files were generated under src/main/java in package as referred in yangs (if exist, generator will not overwrite them):
here the instantiateModule methods are extended in order to capture and inject osgi BundleContext into module, so it can be injected into final implementation - OpenflowPluginProvider +
here the createInstance method is extended in order to inject osgi BundleContext into module implementation +
Configuration xml file¶
Configuration file contains
required capabilities
modules definitions from openflowjava
modules definitions from openflowplugin
modules definition
openflow:switch:connection:provider:impl (listening on port 6633, name=openflow-switch-connection-provider-legacy-impl)
openflow:switch:connection:provider:impl (listening on port 6653, name=openflow-switch-connection-provider-default-impl)
openflow:common:config:impl (having 2 services (wrapping those 2 previous modules) and binding-broker-osgi-registry injected)
provided services
<modules xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config">
<type xmlns:prefix="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:openflow:switch:connection:provider:impl">prefix:openflow-switch-connection-provider-impl</type>
<type xmlns:prefix="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:openflow:switch:connection:provider:impl">prefix:openflow-switch-connection-provider-impl</type>
<type xmlns:prefix="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:openflow:common:config:impl">prefix:openflow-provider-impl</type>
<type xmlns:ofSwitch="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:openflow:switch:connection:provider">ofSwitch:openflow-switch-connection-provider</type>
<type xmlns:ofSwitch="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:openflow:switch:connection:provider">ofSwitch:openflow-switch-connection-provider</type>
<type xmlns:binding="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:binding">binding:binding-broker-osgi-registry</type>
<services xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:config">
<type xmlns:prefix="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:openflow:switch:connection:provider">prefix:openflow-switch-connection-provider</type>
<type xmlns:prefix="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:openflow:common:config">prefix:openflow-provider</type>
API changes¶
In order to provide multiple instances of modules from openflowjava there is an API change. Previously OFPlugin got access to SwitchConnectionProvider exposed by OFJava and injected collection of configurations so that for each configuration new instance of tcp listening server was created. Now those configurations are provided by configSubsystem and configured modules (wrapping the original SwitchConnectionProvider) are injected into OFPlugin (wrapping SwitchConnectionHandler).
Providing config file (IT, local distribution/base, integration/distributions/base)¶
Here the whole configuration is contained in one file (controller.xml). Required entries needed in order to startup and wire OEPlugin + OFJava are simply added there.
Here new config file has been added (src/main/resources/configuration/initial/42-openflow-protocol-impl.xml) and is being copied to config/initial subfolder of build.
In order to push the actual config into config/initial subfolder of distributions/base in integration project there was a new artifact in OFPlugin created - openflowplugin-controller-config, containing only the config xml file under src/main/resources. Another change was committed into integration project. During build this config xml is being extracted and copied to the final folder in order to be accessible during controller run.
Internal message statistics API¶
To aid in testing and diagnosis, the OpenFlow plugin provides information about the number and rate of different internal events.
The implementation does two things: collects event counts and exposes counts. Event counts are grouped by message type, e.g., PacketInMessage, and checkpoint, e.g., TO_SWITCH_ENQUEUED_SUCCESS. Once gathered, the results are logged as well as being exposed using OSGi command line (deprecated) and JMX.
Each message is counted as it passes through various processing checkpoints. The following checkpoints are defined as a Java enum and tracked:
* statistic groups overall in OFPlugin
/** message from switch, enqueued for processing */
/** message from switch translated successfully - source */
/** message from switch translated successfully - target */
/** message from switch where translation failed - source */
/** message from switch finally published into MD-SAL */
/** message from switch - publishing into MD-SAL failed */
/** message from MD-SAL to switch via RPC enqueued */
/** message from MD-SAL to switch via RPC NOT enqueued */
/** message from MD-SAL to switch - sent to OFJava successfully */
/** message from MD-SAL to switch - sent to OFJava but failed*/
When a message passes through any of those checkpoints then counter assigned to corresponding checkpoint and message is incremented by 1.
Expose statistics¶
As described above, there are three ways to access the statistics:
OSGi command line (this is considered deprecated)
osgi> dumpMsgCount
OpenDaylight logging console (statistics are logged here every 10 seconds)
required logback settings :
<logger name="" level="DEBUG"\/>
JMX (via JConsole)
start OpenFlow plugin with the
parameterstart JConsole by running
the JConsole MBeans tab should contain org.opendaylight.controller
RuntimeBean has a msg-spy-service-impl
Operations provides makeMsgStatistics report functionality
Example results¶

OFplugin Debug stats.png¶
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_ENQUEUED: MSG[PortStatusMessage] -> +0 | 1
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_ENQUEUED: MSG[MultipartReplyMessage] -> +24 | 81
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_ENQUEUED: MSG[PacketInMessage] -> +8 | 111
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_TRANSLATE_IN_SUCCESS: MSG[PortStatusMessage] -> +0 | 1
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_TRANSLATE_IN_SUCCESS: MSG[MultipartReplyMessage] -> +24 | 81
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_TRANSLATE_IN_SUCCESS: MSG[PacketInMessage] -> +8 | 111
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_TRANSLATE_OUT_SUCCESS: MSG[QueueStatisticsUpdate] -> +3 | 7
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_TRANSLATE_OUT_SUCCESS: MSG[NodeUpdated] -> +0 | 3
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_TRANSLATE_OUT_SUCCESS: MSG[NodeConnectorStatisticsUpdate] -> +3 | 7
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_TRANSLATE_OUT_SUCCESS: MSG[GroupDescStatsUpdated] -> +3 | 7
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_TRANSLATE_OUT_SUCCESS: MSG[FlowsStatisticsUpdate] -> +3 | 19
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_TRANSLATE_OUT_SUCCESS: MSG[PacketReceived] -> +8 | 111
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_TRANSLATE_OUT_SUCCESS: MSG[MeterFeaturesUpdated] -> +0 | 3
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_TRANSLATE_OUT_SUCCESS: MSG[GroupStatisticsUpdated] -> +3 | 7
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_TRANSLATE_OUT_SUCCESS: MSG[GroupFeaturesUpdated] -> +0 | 3
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_TRANSLATE_OUT_SUCCESS: MSG[MeterConfigStatsUpdated] -> +3 | 7
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_TRANSLATE_OUT_SUCCESS: MSG[MeterStatisticsUpdated] -> +3 | 7
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_TRANSLATE_OUT_SUCCESS: MSG[NodeConnectorUpdated] -> +0 | 12
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_TRANSLATE_OUT_SUCCESS: MSG[FlowTableStatisticsUpdate] -> +3 | 8
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_TRANSLATE_SRC_FAILURE: no activity detected
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_PUBLISHED_SUCCESS: MSG[QueueStatisticsUpdate] -> +3 | 7
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_PUBLISHED_SUCCESS: MSG[NodeUpdated] -> +0 | 3
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_PUBLISHED_SUCCESS: MSG[NodeConnectorStatisticsUpdate] -> +3 | 7
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_PUBLISHED_SUCCESS: MSG[GroupDescStatsUpdated] -> +3 | 7
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_PUBLISHED_SUCCESS: MSG[FlowsStatisticsUpdate] -> +3 | 19
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_PUBLISHED_SUCCESS: MSG[PacketReceived] -> +8 | 111
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_PUBLISHED_SUCCESS: MSG[MeterFeaturesUpdated] -> +0 | 3
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_PUBLISHED_SUCCESS: MSG[GroupStatisticsUpdated] -> +3 | 7
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_PUBLISHED_SUCCESS: MSG[GroupFeaturesUpdated] -> +0 | 3
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_PUBLISHED_SUCCESS: MSG[MeterConfigStatsUpdated] -> +3 | 7
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_PUBLISHED_SUCCESS: MSG[MeterStatisticsUpdated] -> +3 | 7
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_PUBLISHED_SUCCESS: MSG[NodeConnectorUpdated] -> +0 | 12
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_PUBLISHED_SUCCESS: MSG[FlowTableStatisticsUpdate] -> +3 | 8
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - FROM_SWITCH_PUBLISHED_FAILURE: no activity detected
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - TO_SWITCH_ENQUEUED_SUCCESS: MSG[AddFlowInput] -> +0 | 12
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - TO_SWITCH_ENQUEUED_FAILED: no activity detected
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - TO_SWITCH_SUBMITTED_SUCCESS: MSG[AddFlowInput] -> +0 | 12
DEBUG o.o.o.s.MessageSpyCounterImpl - TO_SWITCH_SUBMITTED_FAILURE: no activity detected
Application: Forwarding Rules Synchronizer¶
Forwarding Rules Synchronizer (FRS) is a newer version of Forwarding Rules Manager (FRM). It was created to solve most shortcomings of FRM. FRS solving errors with retry mechanism. Sending barrier if needed. Using one service for flows, groups and meters. And it has less changes requests send to device since calculating difference and using compression queue.
It is located in the Java package:
package org.opendaylight.openflowplugin.applications.frsync;
1x config - FlowCapableNode
1x operational - Node
System of work¶
one listener in config datastore waiting for changes
update cache
skip event if operational not present for node
send syncup entry to reactor for synchronization
node added: after part of modification and whole operational snapshot
node updated: after and before part of modification
node deleted: null and before part of modification
one listener in operational datastore waiting for changes
update cache
on device connected
register for cluster services
on device disconnected remove from cache
remove from cache
unregister for cluster services
if registered for reconciliation
do reconciliation through syncup (only when config present)
reactor (provides syncup w/decorators assembled in this order)
Cluster decorator - skip action if not master for device
FutureZip decorator (FutureZip extends Future decorator)
Future - run delegate syncup in future - submit task to executor service
FutureZip - provides state compression - compress optimized config delta if waiting for execution with new one
Guard decorator - per device level locking
Retry decorator - register for reconciliation if syncup failed
Reactor impl - calculate diff from after/before parts of syncup entry and execute
In the old FRM uses an incremental strategy with all changes made one by one, where FRS uses a flat batch system with changes made in bulk. It uses one service SalFlatBatchService instead of three (flow, group, meter).
Boron release¶
FRS is used in Boron as separate feature and it is not loaded by any other feature. It has to be run separately.
FRS additions¶
Retry mechanism¶
is started when change request to device return as failed (register for reconcile)
wait for next consistent operational and do reconciliation with actual config (not only diff)
only the diff (before/after) between last config changes is sent to device
when there are more config changes for device in a row waiting to be processed they are compressed into one entry (after is still replaced with the latest)
FRS is cluster aware using ClusteringSingletonServiceProvider from the MD-SAL
on mastership change reconciliation is done (register for reconcile)
FRS uses service with implemented barrier waiting logic between dependent objects
Service: SalFlatBatchService¶
SalFlatBatchService was created along forwardingrules-sync application as the service that should application used by default. This service uses only one input with bag of flow/group/meter objects and their common add/update/remove action. So you practically send only one input (of specific bags) to this service.
interface: org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.flat.batch.service.rev160321.SalFlatBatchService
method: processFlatBatch(input)
input: org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.opendaylight.flat.batch.service.rev160321.ProcessFlatBatchInput
Usage benefits¶
possibility to use only one input bag with particular failure analysis preserved
automatic barrier decision (chain+wait)
less RPC routing in cluster environment (since one call encapsulates all others)
Input for SalFlatBatchService (ProcessFlatBatchInput object) consists of:
node - NodeRef
batch steps - List<Batch> - defined action + bag of objects + order for failures analysis
BatchChoice - yang-modeled action choice (e.g. FlatBatchAddFlowCase) containing batch bag of objects (e.g. flows to be added)
BatchOrder - (integer) order of batch step (should be incremented by single action)
exitOnFirstError - boolean flag
prepare list of steps based on input
mark barriers in steps where needed
prepare particular F/G/M-batch service calls from Flat-batch steps
F/G/M-batch services encapsulate bulk of single service calls
they actually chain barrier after processing all single calls if actual step is marked as barrier-needed
chain futures and start executing
start all actions that can be run simultaneously (chain all on one starting point)
in case there is a step marked as barrier-needed
wait for all fired jobs up to one with barrier
merge rpc results (status, errors, batch failures) into single one
the latest job with barrier is new starting point for chaining
Services encapsulation¶
Barrier decision¶
decide on actual step and all previous steps since the latest barrier
if condition in table below is satisfied the latest step before actual is marked as barrier-needed
actual step |
previous steps contain |
Error handling¶
There is flag in ProcessFlatBatchInput to stop process on the first error.
true - if partial step is not successful stop whole processing
false (default) - try to process all steps regardless partial results
If error occurs in any of partial steps upper FlatBatchService call will return as unsuccessful in both cases. However every partial error is attached to general flat batch result along with BatchFailure (contains BatchOrder and BatchItemIdChoice to identify failed step).
Cluster singleton approach in plugin¶
The existing OpenDaylight service deployment model assumes symmetric clusters, where all services are activated on all nodes in the cluster. However, many services require that there is a single active service instance per cluster. We call such services singleton services. The Entity Ownership Service (EOS) represents the base Leadership choice for one Entity instance. Every Cluster Singleton service type must have its own Entity and every Cluster Singleton service instance must have its own Entity Candidate. Every registered Entity Candidate should be notified about its actual role. All this “work” is done by MD-SAL so the Openflowplugin need “only” to register as service in SingletonClusteringServiceProvider given by MD-SAL.
Change against using EOS service listener¶
In this new clustering singleton approach plugin uses API from the MD-SAL project: SingletonClusteringService which comes with three methods.
This service has to be registered to a SingletonClusteringServiceProvider from MD-SAL which take care if mastership is changed in cluster environment.
First method in SingletonClusteringService is being called when the cluster node becomes a MASTER. Second is being called when status changes to SLAVE or device is disconnected from cluster. Last method plugins returns NodeId as ServiceGroupIdentifier Startup after device is connected
On the start up the plugin we need to initialize first four managers for each working area providing information and services
Device manager
RPC manager
Role manager
Statistics manager
After connection the device the listener Device manager get the event and start up to creating the context for this connection. Startup after device connection
Services are managed by SinlgetonClusteringServiceProvider from MD-SAL project. So in startup we simply create a instance of LifecycleService and register all contexts into it.
Role change¶
Plugin is no longer registered as Entity Ownership Service (EOS) listener therefore does not need to and cannot respond on EOS ownership changes.
Service start¶
Services start asynchronously but the start is managed by LifecycleService. If something goes wrong LifecycleService stop starting services in context and this speeds up the reconnect process. But the services haven’t changed and plugin need to start all this:
Activating transaction chain manager
Initial gathering of device statistics
Initial submit to DS
Sending role MASTER to device
RPC services registration
Statistics gathering start
Service stop¶
If closeServiceInstance occurred plugin just simply try to store all unsubmitted transactions and close the transaction chain manager, stop RPC services, stop Statistics gathering and after that all unregister txEntity from EOS.
Yang models and API¶
Model |
*Openflow basic types* |
*Openflow services* |
*Openflow statistics* |
Karaf feature tree¶

Openflow plugin karaf feature tree¶
Short HOWTO create such a tree.
Wiring up notifications¶
We need to translate OpenFlow messages coming up from the OpenFlow Protocol Library into MD-SAL Notification objects and then publish them to the MD-SAL.
Create a Translator class
Register the Translator
Register the notificationPopListener to handle your Notification Objects
Create a Translator class¶
You can see an example in
First, simply create the class
public class PacketInTranslator implements IMDMessageTranslator<OfHeader, List<DataObject>> {
Then implement the translate function:
public class PacketInTranslator implements IMDMessageTranslator<OfHeader, List<DataObject>> {
protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory
public PacketReceived translate(SwitchConnectionDistinguisher cookie,
SessionContext sc, OfHeader msg) {
Make sure to check that you are dealing with the expected type and cast it:
if(msg instanceof PacketInMessage) {
PacketInMessage message = (PacketInMessage)msg;
List<DataObject> list = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<DataObject>();
Do your transation work and return
PacketReceived pktInEvent =;
return list;
Register your Translator Class¶
Next you need to go to and in init() add register your Translator:
public void init() {
messageTranslators = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
popListeners = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
//TODO: move registration to factory
addMessageTranslator(ErrorMessage.class, OF10, new ErrorTranslator());
addMessageTranslator(ErrorMessage.class, OF13, new ErrorTranslator());
addMessageTranslator(PacketInMessage.class,OF10, new PacketInTranslator());
addMessageTranslator(PacketInMessage.class,OF13, new PacketInTranslator());
Notice that there is a separate registration for each of OpenFlow 1.0 and OpenFlow 1.3. Basically, you indicate the type of OpenFlow Protocol Library message you wish to translate for, the OpenFlow version, and an instance of your Translator.
Register your MD-SAL Message for Notification to the MD-SAL¶
Now, also in MDController.init() register to have the notificationPopListener handle your MD-SAL Message:
addMessagePopListener(PacketReceived.class, new NotificationPopListener<DataObject>());
You are done¶
That’s all there is to it. Now when a message comes up from the OpenFlow Protocol Library, it will be translated and published to the MD-SAL.
Message Order Preservation¶
While the Helium release of OpenFlow Plugin relied on queues to ensure messages were delivered in order, subsequent releases instead ensure that all the messages from a given device are delivered using the same thread and thus message order is guaranteed without queues. The OpenFlow plugin allocates a number of threads equal to twice the number of processor cores on machine it is run, e.g., 8 threads if the machine has 4 cores.
While each device is assigned to one thread, multiple devices can be assigned to the same thread.