.. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 3 ======================================================= ACL Remote ACL - Indirection Table to Improve Scale ======================================================= ACL Remote ACL Indirection patches: https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/#/q/topic:remote_acl_indirection This spec is to enhance the initial implementation of ACL remote ACLs filtering which was released in Boron. The Boron release added full support for remote ACLs, however the current implementation does not scale well in terms of flows. The Carbon release will update the implementation to introduce a new indirection table for ACL rules with remote ACLs, to reduce the number of necessary flows, in cases where the port is associated with a single ACL. Due to the complication of supporting multiple ACLs on a single port, the current implementation will stay the same for these cases. Problem description =================== Today, for each logical port, an ACL rule results in a flow in the ACL table (ACL2). When a remote ACL is configured on this rule, this flow is multiplied for each VM in the remote ACL, resulting in a very large number of flows. For example, consider we have: - 100 computes - 50 VMs on each compute (5000 VMs total), - All VMs are in a SG (SG1) - This SG has a security rule configured on it with remote SG=SG1 (it is common to set the remote SG as itself, to set rules within the SG). This would result in 50*5000 = 250,000 flows on each compute, and 25M flows in ODL MDSAL (!). Use Cases --------- Neutron configuration of security rules, configured with remote SGs. This optimization will be relevant only when there is a single security group that is associated with the port. In case more than one security group is associated with the port - we will fallback to the current implementation which allows full functionality but with possible flow scaling issues. Rules with a remote ACL are used to allow certain types of packets only between VMs in certain security groups. For example, configuring rules with the parent security group also configured as a remote security group, allows to configure rules applied only for traffic between VMs in the same security group. This will be done in the ACL implementation, so any ACL configured with a remote ACL via a different northbound or REST would also be handled. Proposed change =============== This blueprint proposes adding a new indirection table in the ACL service in each direction, which will attempt to match the "remote" IP address associated with the packet ("dst_ip" in Ingress ACL, "src_ip" in Egress ACL), and set the ACL ID as defined by the ietf-access-control-list in the metadata. This match will also include the ELAN ID to handle ports with overlapping IPs. These flows will be added to the ACL2 table. In addition, for each such ip->SG flow inserted in ACL2, we will insert a single SG metadata match in ACL3 for each SG rule on the port configured with this remote SG. If the IP is associated with multiple SGs - it is impossible to do a 1:1 matching of the SG, so we will not set the metadata at this time and fallback to the current implementation of matching all possible IPs in the ACL table - for this ACL2 will have a default flow passing the unmatched packets to ACL3 with an empty metadata SG_ID write (e.g. 0x0), to prevent potential garbage in the metadata SG ID. This means that on transition from a single SG on the port to multiple SG (and back), we would need to remove/add these flows from ACL2, and insert the correct rules into ACL3. **ACL1 (211/241):** - This is the ACL that has default allow rules - it is left untouched, and usually goes to ACL2. **ACL2 (212/242):** - For each port with a single SG - we will match on the IPs and the ELAN ID (for tenant awareness) here, and set the SG ID in the metadata, before going to the ACL3 table. - For any port with multiple SGs (or with no SG) - an empty value (0x0) will be set as the SG ID in the metadata, to avoid potential garbage in the SG ID, and goto ACL3 table. **ACL3 (213/243):** - For each security rule that *doesn't have* a remote SG, we keep the behavior the same: ACL3 matches on rule, and resubmits to dispatcher if there is a match (Allow). The SG ID in the metadata will **not** be matched. - For each security rule that *does have* a remote SG, we have two options: - For ports belonging to the remote SG that are associated with a single SG - there will be a single flow per rule, matching the SG ID from the metadata (in addition to the other rule matches) and allowing the packet. - For ports belonging to the remote SG that are associated with multiple SGs - the existing implementation will stay the same, multiplying the rule with all possible IP matches from the remote security groups. Considering the example from the problem description above, the new implementation would result in a much reduced number of flows: 5000+50 = 5050 flows on each compute, and 505,000 flows in ODL MDSAL. As noted above, this would require using part of the metadata for writing/matching of an ACL ID. We would likely require at least 12 bits for this, to support up to 4K SGs, where 16 bits to support up to 65K would be ideal. If the metadata bits are not available, we can use a register for this purpose (16 bits). In addition, the dispatcher will set the ELAN ID in the metadata before entering the ACL services, to allow tenant aware IP to SG detection, supporting multi-tenants with IP collisions. Pipeline changes ---------------- ACL3 will be added, and the flows in ACL2/ACL3 will be modified as noted above in the proposed change: ============== ================================================= =============================================================== Table Match Action ============== ================================================= =============================================================== Dispatcher metadata=service_id:ACL write_metadata:(elan_id=ELAN, service_id=NEXT), goto_table:ACL1 ACL1 (211/241) goto_table:ACL2 ACL2 (212/242) metadata=ELAN_ID, ip_src/dst=VM1_IP write_metadata:(remote_acl=id), goto_table:ACL3 ACL2 (212/242) metadata=ELAN_ID, ip_src/dst=VM2_IP write_metadata:(remote_acl=id), goto_table:ACL3 ... ACL2 (212/242) goto_table:ACL3 ACL3 (213/243) metadata=lport, resubmit(,DISPATCHER) :superscript:`(X)` ACL3 (213/243) metadata=lport+remote_acl, resubmit(,DISPATCHER) :superscript:`(XX)` ACL3 (213/243) metadata=lport,ip_src/dst=VM1_IP, resubmit(,DISPATCHER) :superscript:`(XXX)` ACL3 (213/243) metadata=lport,ip_src/dst=VM2_IP, resubmit(,DISPATCHER) :superscript:`(XXX)` ... ============== ================================================= =============================================================== | (X) These are the regular rules, not configured with any remote SG. | (XX) These are the proposed rules with the optimization - assuming the lport is using a single ACL. | (XXX) These are the remote SG rules in the current implementation, which we will fall back to if the lport has multiple ACLs. **Table Numbering:** Currently the Ingress ACLs use tables *40,41,42* and the Egress ACLs use tables *251,252,253*. Table 43 is already proposed to be taken by SNAT, and table 254 is considered invalid by OVS. To overcome this and align Ingress/Egress with symmetric numbering, I propose the following change: - Ingress ACLs: 211, 212, 213, 214 - Egress ACLs: 241, 242, 243, 244 ACL1: INGRESS/EGRESS_ACL_TABLE ACL2: INGRESS/EGRESS_ACL_REMOTE_ACL_TABLE ACL3: INGRESS/EGRESS_ACL_FILTER_TABLE ACL4 is used only for Learn implementation for which an extra table is required. Yang changes ------------ None. Configuration impact --------------------- None. Clustering considerations ------------------------- None. Other Infra considerations -------------------------- None. Security considerations ----------------------- None. Scale and Performance Impact ---------------------------- See example in description. The scale of the flows will be drastically reduced when using remote ACLs. Targeted Release ----------------- Carbon Alternatives ------------ For fully optimized support in all scenarios for remote SGs, meaning including support for ports with multiple ACLs on them, we did consider implementing a similar optimization. However, for this to happen due to OpenFlow limitations we would need to introduce an internal dispatcher inside the ACL services, meaning we loop the ACL service multiple times, each time setting a different metadata SG value for the port. For another approach we could use a bitmask, but this would limit the number of possible SGs to be the number of bits in the mask, which is much too low for any reasonable use case. Usage ===== Any configuration of ACL rules with remote ACLs will receive this optimization if the port is using a single SG. Functionality should remain as before in any case. Features to Install ------------------- Install the ODL Karaf feature for NetVirt (no change): - odl-netvirt-openstack REST API -------- None. CLI --- Refer to the Neutron CLI Reference [#]_ for the Neutron CLI command syntax for managing Security Rules with Remote Security Groups. Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Who is implementing this feature? In case of multiple authors, designate a primary assigne and other contributors. Primary assignee: - Alon Kochba - Aswin Suryanarayanan Other contributors: - ? Work Items ---------- `Task list in Carbon Trello `_ Dependencies ============ None. Testing ======= Unit Tests ---------- Integration Tests ----------------- CSIT ---- We should add tests verifying remote SG configuration functionality. There should be at least: * One security rule allowing ICMP traffic between VMs in the same SG. * One positive test, checking ICMP connectivity works between two VMs using the same SG. * One negative test, checking ICMP connectivity does not work between two VMs, one using the SG configured with the rule above, and the other using a separate security group with all directions allowed. Documentation Impact ==================== None. References ========== .. [#] Neutron Security Groups http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/cli-nova-configure-access-security-for-instances.html