Neutron QoS (Quality of Service)

Neutron provides QoS [2] [6] feature which is partially supported in OpenDaylight today. This feature is to bring ODL implementation on parity with Neutron QoS API, esp OVS Agent implementation as detailed in [3]. This will require changes in networking-odl, Neutron Northbound and Netvirt.


  • Ingress/Egress in Neutron is from VM’s perspective.
  • Ingress/Egress in OVS/ODL is from switch perspective.
  • Egress from VM is Ingress on switch and vice versa

Problem description

Support for QoS was added to OpenDaylight in Boron release and it was later updated during Carbon release [1]. Neutron has updated QoS since then to support more features and they are already implemented in Neutron OVS Agent.

Following table captures current state of QoS support in Neutron and OpenDaylight as well as comparison with current support in OVS Agent.

Feature N-ODL ODL OVS Agent
Bandwidth Limit Egress
Bandwidth Limit Ingress
Min Bandwidth Egress SRIOV only
Min Bandwidth Ingress
DSCP Marking Egress
DSCP Marking Ingress

Use Cases

Neutron QoS API support for Bandwidth Limit Ingress and FIP QOS will require adding followiung changes to networking-odl driver and OpenDaylight:

  • Bandwidth Limit Ingress
  • FIP QoS

Following use cases will not be supported:

  • Min Bandwidth Ingress/Egress
  • DSCP Marking Ingress

Proposed change

This will require changes to multiple components.

Bandwidth Limit Ingress

Ingress Limit is not as simple as egress. This will require creation of a QoS Profile and adding the port to that profile [5]. Then we appply limiters on that queue. OVSDB Plugin already supports creating QoS Profiles. OpenFlow rules for that port will then direct traffic to that queue.

Creation of profile varies for DPDK vs Kernel datapath [9]

Sample OVS QoS configuration Kernel datapath
 ovs-vsctl -- \
     add-br br0 -- \
     add-port br0 eth0 -- \
     add-port br0 vif1.0 -- set interface vif1.0 ofport_request=5 -- \
     add-port br0 vif2.0 -- set interface vif2.0 ofport_request=6 -- \
     set port eth0 qos=@newqos -- \
     --id=@newqos create qos type=linux-htb \
         other-config:max-rate=1000000000 \
         queues:123=@vif10queue \
         queues:234=@vif20queue -- \
     --id=@vif10queue create queue other-config:max-rate=10000000 -- \
     --id=@vif20queue create queue other-config:max-rate=20000000
Sample OVS QoS configuration DPDK
ovs-vsctl set port vhost-user0 qos=@newqos -- \
    --id=@newqos create qos type=egress-policer other-config:cir=46000000 \


With [7] nothing else should be needed in n-odl.

Neutron Northbound

Direction field is already present in neutron-qos.yang so no yang changes needed for this. However, SPI still needs to add code to populate mdsal with direction field. Corresponding changes to NeutronQos POJO will also be done.


Nothing extra needs to be done here, OVSDB already supports QoS queues.


To support Ingress limiting, QoS needs to bind as an Egress service in Genius. For this a new QOS_EGRESS_TABLE [232] will be added.


TBD - QoS Egress Service priority


Existing QoS code in Netvirt will be enhanced to support Ingress rules, bind/unbind Egress service, create OVS QoS profiles and add port to the QoS queues.


Similar to Ingress Limit, QoS profiles will be used to create queue per FIP and then use OpenFlow flows to direct traffic to the specific queue [4].


Nothing should be needed once [7] and [8] are merged.


qos-policy-id will be added to L3-floatingip-attributes in neutron-L3.yang


Nothing needs to be done here.


A new QOS_FIP_INGRESS [91] table will be added to Ingress L3 pipeline to add set queue for Egress Limit. For Ingress Limit, QOS_FIP_EGRESS [233] will be added to set queue.


FloatingIp listeners will be enhanced to track QoS configuration and invoke QoS API to configure flow rules for the FloatingIp. QoS API will create OVS profiles for QoS rules and when applied to FIP or port, will program appropriate flows.

Pipeline changes

A new QoS Egress table will be added to support for Ingress rules on port and another for FIP.

Table Match Action
QoS FIP Ingress [91] Ethtype == IPv4 or IPv6 AND IP SetQueue
QoS Port Egress [232] Ethtype == IPv4 or IPv6 AND LPort tag SetQueue
QoS FIP Egress [233] Ethtype == IPv4 or IPv6 AND IP SetQueue

Yang changes

No yang changes needed for Ingress support in QoS. Ingress is already supported in NeutronNorthbound and [7] will enable it as part of networking-odl.

Changes will be needed to neutron-qos-ext.yang to augment floating-ip.

 augment "/neutron:neutron/neutron:floating-ips/neutron:ip" {
     description "This module augments the floating-ips container
         in the neutron-floating-ips module with qos information";
     // ext:augment-identifier value needs to unique as name of the generated classes
     // is derived from this string
     ext:augment-identifier "qos-floating-ip-extension";
     leaf qos-policy-id {
         description "The floating-ips to which the Qos Policies can be applied";
         type yang:uuid;

Configuration impact

This doesn’t introduce any new configuration parameters.


Nothing extra needs to be done to enable these features other than already captured in [1].

Features to Install



None in ODL other than yang changes. For Neutron API refer [2]__



Who is implementing this feature? In case of multiple authors, designate a primary assignee and other contributors.

Primary assignee:
Vishal Thapar, <#vthapar>, <>
Other contributors:
TBD. (volunteers welcome)

Work Items

  1. Changes in networking-odl (mostly testing)
  2. Changes in NeutronNorthbound
  3. Add listeners in Netvirt
  4. Genius changes for modified pipeline
  5. Netvirt implementation for Bandwidth Limit Ingress
  6. Netvirt changes for FIP Egress
  7. Netvirt changes for FIP Ingress
  8. Add CSIT (depends on CSIT for existing QoS features)
  9. Documentation


This has dependencies on other projects:

  • Neutron - Rocky
  • Networking-Odl - Rocky
  • Neutron Northbound - Flourine
  • OVSDB - Flourine
  • Genius - Flourine


This will update existing tests for QoS for newer use cases

Unit Tests

Existing UTs, if any, will be updated to provide coverage for new code.


QoS use cases are currently not covered by CSIT. Once CSIT is added for QoS, more test cases will be added to cover these use cases.

Once [7] and [8] are done, we can also enable QoS tempest tests in existing Netvirt CSIT.

Documentation Impact

Existing documenation will be updated to reflect the new changes.