ACL: Support for protocols that are not supported by conntrack

This spec addresses following issues in ACL module:

  1. Enhance ACL to support protocols like OSPF, VRRP etc that are not supported by conntrack in stateful mode.

  2. Handle overlapping IP addresses while processing remote ACLs.

  3. Optimization for Remote ACL by reducing number of flows even for ports having multiple ACLs.

Problem description

  1. Enhance ACL to support protocols like OSPF, VRRP etc that are not supported by conntrack in stateful mode.

    Problem: With current stateful ACL implementation, data packets of IP protocols like OSPF, VRRP, etc are classified as invalid and dropped in ACL tables. This is because conntrack used with stateful mode, does not recognize these IP protocols.

    In the current ACL implementation, all IP traffic (except DHCP and ARP) are passed through the conntrack framework for stateful tracking. Conntrack supports (and hence recognizes) only the following protocols:

    • ICMP

    • TCP

    • UDP

    • ICMPv6

    Stateful tracking is done only for the above protocols and all other traffic is classified as INVALID by conntrack and hence being dropped by the ACL tables in the OF pipeline.

  2. Handle overlapping IP addresses while processing remote ACLs.

    Problem: In the current implementation if two or more ports with different ACL’s have same IP address (configured via allowed-address-pair), ACL remote table (212/242) will have only one flow per ELAN for that IP address pointing to a remote ACL. Flow for other ACL will be missing. Hence, packet may not hit the right flow and end up dropping the packets.

  3. Optimization for Remote ACL by reducing number of flows even for ports having multiple ACLs.

    Problem: In the current implementation, optimization for Remote ACL by reducing number of flows is supported only for ports having single ACL but the simlar optimization is not available for ports having multiple ACLs.

Use Cases

  1. SDN infrastructure must be able to recognize any IP protocol and depending on the ACL rule configured must ALLOW or DROP the corresponding traffic.

  2. Multiple ports can have same IP/MAC in many scenarios. Few instances include VRRP or OSPF cases where multicast IP/MAC (eg: is configured via allowed-address-pair.

  3. Improves scalability and performance.

Proposed change

  1. Selectively allow only certain IP protocols to transit through the conntrack framework. The rest of the traffic should bypass the conntrack framework and be governed only by the configured ACL filter rules (except DHCP and ARP). So, the behavior would be as follows:

    • DHCP and ARP are not governed by ACL rules and are always allowed.

    • A selective set of IP protocols which carry point-to-point datapath information are allowed to pass through conntrack for stateful connection tracking.

    • The rest of the protocols are NOT passed through conntrack and are directly checked against the OF translated ACL filter rules.

  2. New yang container (acl-ports-lookup) is introduced to handle overlapping IP addresses while processing remote ACLs. This would remove dependency on ID manager for generating flow priorities used in ACL filter tables. With the yang approach, having a unique priority for each flow in ACL filter table is not required anymore. Removal of ID manager dependency for generation of flow priorities would provide better scalability and performance.

  3. ACL pipeline is re-designed to reduce number of flows in ACL tables.

ACL0 (239):

  • This table is untouched.

ACL1 (210/240):

  • Anti-spoofing filter table.

  • An additional match on lport tag is added for anti-spoofing flows to support overlapping IP addresses where multiple VMs are configured with same IP/MAC addresses via allowed-address-pair.

    cookie=0x6900000,table=240,priority=61010,**reg6=0x200/0xfffff00**,ip,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:5c:42:d5,nw_dst= actions=goto_table:242

ACL2 (211/241):

  • Classifies conntrack supported traffic and sends the traffic to conntrack table (ACL3).

  • Traffic not supported by conntrack is directly sent to ACL filter table (ACL5).

  • Metadata is written to classify conntrack (CONST_0) or non-conntrack (CONST_1) traffic.

ACL3 (212/242):

  • Sends traffic to conntrack.

ACL4 (213/243):

  • This table number is re-aligned but the functionality remains same as explained in spec #acl-reflection-on-existing-traffic which supports the ACL changes reflecting on existing traffic.

ACL5 (214/244):

  • ACL filter cum dispatcher table which is common to both conntrack supported and non-conntrack supported traffic.

  • For conntrack supported traffic:

    • If session is already established (ct_state=+est+trk | +rel+trk), packet would get returned to dispatcher table from here itself. It doesn’t go through next subsequent ACL tables.

    • INVALID packets (ct_state=+inv+trk) are dropped.

  • Other flows are common to both conntrack and non-conntrack supported traffic.

  • Flows related to ACL rules are classified into three categories as explained below:

    1. Flows for ACL rules which are configured with remote_ip_prefix. This is straight forward case where packets matching these flows would be directly sent to table ACL8.

      sg1 -> ALLOW IPv4 22/tcp from
      cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62040,tcp,reg6=0x600/0xfffff00,tp_dst=22 actions=goto_table:247
    2. Ports having single or multiple SGs but all the rules with a common (single) remote SG. In this case, flows doesn’t match on ACL rules in this table but instead will match ACL rules in ACL6 table. To support this usecase, dispatcher kind of mechanism is performed to loop/iterate through all the rules having remote ACLs.

      sg1 -> ALLOW IPv4 icmp from sg1
      sg1 -> ALLOW IPv4 22/tcp from sg1
      sg2 -> ALLOW IPv4 100/udp from sg1
      cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62030,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x100/0xfffffc actions=drop
      cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62010,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00 actions=write_metadata:0x100/0xfffffc,goto_table:245
    3. Ports having single or multiple SGs with collective ACL rules having different remote SGs. Approach followed is same as (ii), flows doesn’t match on ACL rules in this table but instead will match ACL rules in ACL6 table. To support this usecase, dispatcher kind of mechanism is performed to loop/iterate through all the rules having remote ACLs.

      Example-1: Port having single SG (sg1).

      sg1 -> ALLOW IPv4 22/tcp from sg1
      sg1 -> ALLOW IPv4 icmp from sg2
      cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62030,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x200/0xfffffc actions=drop
      cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62020,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x100/0xfffffc actions=write_metadata:0x200/0xfffffc,goto_table:245
      cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62010,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00 actions=write_metadata:0x100/0xfffffc,goto_table:245
      cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=0 actions=drop

      Example-2: Port having multiple SGs (sg1, sg2 and sg3).

      sg1 -> ALLOW IPv4 22/tcp from sg1
      sg1 -> ALLOW IPv4 icmp from sg2
      sg2 -> ALLOW IPv4 80/tcp from sg2
      sg3 -> ALLOW IPv4 100/udp from sg3
      cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62030,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x300/0xfffffc actions=drop
      cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62020,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x200/0xfffffc actions=write_metadata:0x300/0xfffffc,goto_table:245
      cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62020,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x100/0xfffffc actions=write_metadata:0x200/0xfffffc,goto_table:245
      cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62010,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00 actions=write_metadata:0x100/0xfffffc,goto_table:245
      cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=0 actions=drop
  • To handle rules having remote SG, flows in this table are grouped based on remote SG. Flows for rules having common remote ACL are grouped together and matched based on remote SG ID.

ACL6 (215/245):

  • ACL filter table for ports having single or multiple remote SGs.

  • ACL filters are matched per remote SG in this table.

  • Table miss would resubmit back to ACL5 table to iterate for the next remote SG.

Below are some of the cases where ports associated to single or multiple SGs collectively having rules with different remote SGs.

  1. Port having single SG (sg1).

    sg1 -> ALLOW IPv4 22/tcp from sg1
    sg1 -> ALLOW IPv4 icmp from sg2
    cookie=0x6900000,table=245,priority=61010,tcp,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x100/0xfffffc,tp_dst=22 actions=goto_table:246
    cookie=0x6900000,table=245,priority=61010,icmp,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x200/0xfffffc actions=goto_table:246
    cookie=0x6900000,table=245,priority=0 actions=resubmit(,244)
  2. Port having multiple SGs (sg1, sg2 and sg3).

    sg1 -> ALLOW IPv4 22/tcp from sg1
    sg1 -> ALLOW IPv4 icmp from sg2
    sg2 -> ALLOW IPv4 80/tcp from sg2
    sg3 -> ALLOW IPv4 100/udp from sg3
    cookie=0x6900000,table=245,priority=61010,tcp,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x100/0xfffffc,tp_dst=22 actions=goto_table:246
    cookie=0x6900000,table=245,priority=61010,icmp,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x200/0xfffffc actions=goto_table:246
    cookie=0x6900000,table=245,priority=61010,tcp,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x200/0xfffffc,tp_dst=80 actions=goto_table:246
    cookie=0x6900000,table=245,priority=61010,udp,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x300/0xfffffc,tp_dst=100 actions=goto_table:246
    cookie=0x6900000,table=245,priority=0 actions=resubmit(,244)

ACL7 (216/246):

  • Remote ACL filter table.

  • Flows match on remote ACL and corresponding IP addresses.

  • This table is independent of ports i.e., no match on lport tag.

  • During IP delete scenarios (port delete/update), look-up to yang container (acl-ports-lookup) is performed, flows are deleted only when IP address is not used by any other ports within that ACL.

  • Below usecase gives the reason for having looping/iteration based approach for this table.

    Usecase: Packets matching multiple rules having different remote SGs. This is a case where packets can match both rules (ip and icmp filters). But let’s say it matches src IP (nw_src= from remote SG (sg2). So in this case, ACL6 and ACL7 tables needs to be iterated twice to find the right match.

    sg1 -> ALLOW IPv4 from sg1
    sg1 -> ALLOW IPv4 icmp from sg2
    cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62030,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x200/0xfffffc actions=drop
    cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62020,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x100/0xfffffc actions=write_metadata:0x200/0xfffffc,goto_table:245
    cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62010,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00 actions=write_metadata:0x100/0xfffffc,goto_table:245
    cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=0 actions=drop
    cookie=0x6900000,table=245,priority=61010,ip,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x100/0xfffffc actions=goto_table:246
    cookie=0x6900000,table=245,priority=61010,icmp,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x200/0xfffffc actions=goto_table:246
    cookie=0x6900000,table=245,priority=0 actions=resubmit(,244)
    cookie=0x6900000,table=246,priority=61010,ip,metadata=0x100/0xfffffc,nw_src= actions=goto_table:247
    cookie=0x6900000,table=246,priority=61010,ip,metadata=0x100/0xfffffc,nw_src= actions=goto_table:247
    cookie=0x6900000,table=246,priority=61010,ip,metadata=0x200/0xfffffc,nw_src= actions=goto_table:247
    cookie=0x6900000,table=246,priority=0 actions=resubmit(,244)

ACL8 (217/247):

  • Packets reaching this table would have passed all the ACL filters. Traffic could be of both conntrack and non-conntrack supported.

  • In case of conntrack traffic, commits the session in conntrack and resubmits to dispatcher.

    cookie=0x6900000,table=247,priority=61010,ip,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x0/0x2 actions=ct(commit,zone=5002,exec(set_field:0x1->ct_mark)),resubmit(,220)
    cookie=0x6900000,table=247,priority=61010,ipv6,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x0/0x2 actions=ct(commit,zone=5002,exec(set_field:0x1->ct_mark)),resubmit(,220)
  • In case of non-conntrack traffic, resubmits to dispatcher.

    cookie=0x6900000,table=247,priority=61010,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x2/0x2 actions=resubmit(,220)

Pipeline changes

Current ACL pipeline:






write_metadata:(elan_id=ELAN|VPN_ID, service_id=NEXT), goto_table:ACL0|ACL1


ACL0 (239)



ACL0 (239)




ACL1 (210/240)

(anti-spoofing filters)


ACL1 (210/240)




ACL2 (211/241)

metadata=ELAN|VPN_ID, ip_src/dst=VM1_IP

write_metadata:(remote_acl=id), goto_table:ACL3

ACL2 (211/241)

metadata=ELAN|VPN_ID, ip_src/dst=VM2_IP

write_metadata:(remote_acl=id), goto_table:ACL3

ACL2 (211/241)




ACL3 (212/242)

reg6=lport, ip|ipv6, ct_mark=0x1

(set_field:0x0->ct_mark), goto_table:ACL4

ACL3 (212/242)




ACL4 (213/243)

ct_state=-new+est-rel-inv+trk, ct_mark=0x1


ACL4 (213/243)

ct_state=-new-est+rel-inv+trk, ct_mark=0x1


ACL4 (213/243)

reg6=lport, ct_state=+inv+trk


ACL4 (213/243)

reg6=lport, ct_state=+trk, <acl_rule>

set_field:0x1>ct_mark, resubmit(,DISPATCHER) (X)

ACL4 (213/243)

reg6=lport+remote_acl, ct_state=+trk, <acl_rule>

set_field:0x1>ct_mark, resubmit(,DISPATCHER) (XX)

ACL4 (213/243)

reg6=lport, ct_state=+trk, ip_src/dst=VM1_IP, <acl_rule>

set_field:0x1>ct_mark, resubmit(,DISPATCHER) (XXX)

ACL4 (213/243)

reg6=lport, ct_state=+trk, ip_src/dst=VM2_IP, <acl_rule>

set_field:0x1>ct_mark, resubmit(,DISPATCHER) (XXX)

ACL4 (213/243)

reg6=lport, ct_state=+trk


ACL4 (213/243)



(X) These are the regular rules, not configured with any remote SG.
(XX) These are the rules with the optimization - assuming the lport is using a single ACL.
(XXX) These are the remote SG rules in the current implementation, which we will fall back to if the lport has multiple ACLs.

Proposed ACL pipeline:






write_metadata:(service_id=NEXT), goto_table:ACL0|ACL1


ACL0 (239)



ACL0 (239)




ACL1 (210/240)

(anti-spoofing filters)


ACL1 (210/240)




ACL2 (211/241)


write_metadata:CONST_0, goto_table:ACL3 (X)

ACL2 (211/241)


write_metadata:CONST_0, goto_table:ACL3 (X)

ACL2 (211/241)


write_metadata:CONST_0, goto_table:ACL3 (X)

ACL2 (211/241)


write_metadata:CONST_0, goto_table:ACL3 (X)

ACL2 (211/241)


write_metadata:CONST_1, goto_table:ACL5 (XX)


ACL3 (212/242)

metadata=lport1, ip|ipv6


ACL3 (212/242)

metadata=lport2, ip|ipv6


ACL3 (212/242)




ACL4 (213/243)

reg6=lport, ip|ipv6, ct_mark=0x1

(set_field:0x0->ct_mark), goto_table:ACL5

ACL4 (213/243)




ACL5 (214/244)

ct_state=-new+est-rel-inv+trk, ct_mark=0x1


ACL5 (214/244)

ct_state=-new-est+rel-inv+trk, ct_mark=0x1


ACL5 (214/244)

reg6=lport, ct_state=+inv+trk


ACL5 (214/244)

reg6=lport1, pri=40, <acl_rule>

goto_table:ACL8 (XXX)

ACL5 (214/244)

reg6=lport1, pri=30, metadata=remote_acl1

drop (XXXX)

ACL5 (214/244)

reg6=lport1, pri=10,

write_metadata:(remote_acl1), goto_table:ACL6 (XXXX)

ACL5 (214/244)

reg6=lport2, pri=30, metadata=remote_acl3

drop (XXXXX)

ACL5 (214/244)

reg6=lport2, pri=20, metadata=remote_acl2

write_metadata:(remote_acl3), goto_table:ACL6 (XXXXX)

ACL5 (214/244)

reg6=lport2, pri=20, metadata=remote_acl1

write_metadata:(remote_acl2), goto_table:ACL6 (XXXXX)

ACL5 (214/244)

reg6=lport2, pri=10

write_metadata:(remote_acl1), goto_table:ACL6 (XXXXX)

ACL5 (214/244)

reg6=lport1, pri=5


ACL5 (214/244)

reg6=lport2, pri=5


ACL5 (214/244)




ACL6 (215/245)

reg6=lport, pri=20, metadata=remote_acl1, <rule1>


ACL6 (215/245)

reg6=lport, pri=20, metadata=remote_acl1, <rule2>


ACL6 (215/245)

reg6=lport, pri=20, metadata=remote_acl2, <rule1>


ACL6 (215/245)

reg6=lport, pri=20, metadata=remote_acl3, <rule1>


ACL6 (215/245)




ACL7 (216/246)

metadata=remote_acl1, ip_src/dst=VM1_IP


ACL7 (216/246)

metadata=remote_acl1, ip_src/dst=VM2_IP


ACL7 (216/246)

metadata=remote_acl2, ip_src/dst=VM3_IP


ACL7 (216/246)

metadata=remote_acl3, ip_src/dst=VM4_IP


ACL7 (216/246)




ACL8 (217/247)

reg6=lport, metadata=CONST_0

ct(commit,zone=ELAN_ID,exec(set_field:0x1->ct_mark)), resubmit(,DISPATCHER) (X)

ACL8 (217/247)

reg6=lport, metadata=CONST_1

resubmit(,DISPATCHER) (XX)

ACL8 (217/247)



CONST_0 Constant referring to conntrack supported traffic. eg: 0x0/0x2
CONST_1 Constant referring to non-conntrack supported traffic. eg: 0x2/0x2
(X) These are conntrack supported traffic.
(XX) These are non-conntrack supported traffic.
(XXX) These are the rules not configured with any remote SG.
(XXXX) These are the cases where all the rules have common (single) remote SG.
(XXXXX) These are rules having different remote SG.

Note: Observe the sample priorities in ACL5 table for different cases.

Sample flows:

cookie=0x6900000,table=239,priority=62020,ct_state=+trk,ip actions=ct(table=240)
cookie=0x6900000,table=239,priority=62020,ct_state=+trk,ipv6 actions=ct(table=240)
cookie=0x6900000,table=239,priority=61010 actions=goto_table:240

cookie=0x6900000,table=240,priority=63010,arp,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00 actions=resubmit(,220)
cookie=0x6900000,table=240,priority=61010,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,ip,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:5c:42:d5,nw_dst= actions=goto_table:242

cookie=0x6900000,table=241,priority=61010,tcp6 actions=write_metadata:0x0/0x2,goto_table:242
cookie=0x6900000,table=241,priority=61010,udp6 actions=write_metadata:0x0/0x2,goto_table:242
cookie=0x6900000,table=241,priority=61010,tcp actions=write_metadata:0x0/0x2,goto_table:242
cookie=0x6900000,table=241,priority=61010,udp actions=write_metadata:0x0/0x2,goto_table:242
cookie=0x6900000,table=241,priority=61010,icmp6 actions=write_metadata:0x0/0x2,goto_table:242
cookie=0x6900000,table=241,priority=61010,icmp actions=write_metadata:0x0/0x2,goto_table:242
cookie=0x6900000,table=241,priority=0 actions=write_metadata:0x2/0x2,goto_table:244

cookie=0x6900000,table=242,priority=61010,ip,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00 actions=ct(table=243,zone=5002)
cookie=0x6900000,table=242,priority=0 actions=drop

cookie=0x6900000,table=243,priority=0 actions=goto_table:244

cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62060,ct_state=-new+est-rel-inv+trk,ct_mark=0x1 actions=resubmit(,220)
cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62060,ct_state=-new-est+rel-inv+trk,ct_mark=0x1 actions=resubmit(,220)
cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62050,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,ct_state=+inv+trk actions=drop
cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62050,reg6=0x300/0xfffff00,ct_state=+inv+trk actions=drop
cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62040,tcp,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00 actions=goto_table:247
cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62030,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x100/0xfffffc actions=drop
cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62010,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00 actions=write_metadata:0x100/0xfffffc,goto_table:245
cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62030,reg6=0x300/0xfffff00,metadata=0x300/0xfffffc actions=drop
cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62020,reg6=0x300/0xfffff00,metadata=0x200/0xfffffc actions=write_metadata:0x300/0xfffffc,goto_table:245
cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62020,reg6=0x300/0xfffff00,metadata=0x100/0xfffffc actions=write_metadata:0x200/0xfffffc,goto_table:245
cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=62010,reg6=0x300/0xfffff00 actions=write_metadata:0x100/0xfffffc,goto_table:245
cookie=0x6900000,table=244,priority=0 actions=drop

cookie=0x6900000,table=245,priority=61010,tcp,reg6=0x300/0xfffff00,metadata=0x100/0xfffffc actions=goto_table:246
cookie=0x6900000,table=245,priority=61010,udp,reg6=0x300/0xfffff00,metadata=0x100/0xfffffc actions=goto_table:246
cookie=0x6900000,table=245,priority=61010,icmp,reg6=0x300/0xfffff00,metadata=0x200/0xfffffc actions=goto_table:246
cookie=0x6900000,table=245,priority=0 actions=resubmit(,244)

cookie=0x6900000,table=246,priority=61010,ip,metadata=0x100/0xfffffc,nw_src= actions=goto_table:247
cookie=0x6900000,table=246,priority=61010,ip,metadata=0x100/0xfffffc,nw_src= actions=goto_table:247
cookie=0x6900000,table=246,priority=61010,ip,metadata=0x200/0xfffffc,nw_src= actions=goto_table:247
cookie=0x6900000,table=246,priority=61010,ip,metadata=0x300/0xfffffc,nw_src= actions=goto_table:247
cookie=0x6900000,table=246,priority=0 actions=resubmit(,244)

cookie=0x6900000,table=247,priority=61010,ip,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x0/0x2 actions=ct(commit,zone=5002,exec(set_field:0x1->ct_mark)),resubmit(,220)
cookie=0x6900000,table=247,priority=61010,ipv6,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x0/0x2 actions=ct(commit,zone=5002,exec(set_field:0x1->ct_mark)),resubmit(,220)
cookie=0x6900000,table=247,priority=61010,reg6=0x200/0xfffff00,metadata=0x2/0x2 actions=resubmit(,220)
cookie=0x6900000,table=247,priority=0 actions=drop

Yang changes

Below yang container is used to support overlapping IP addresses while processing remote ACLs. This would remove dependency on ID manager which was used to generate flow priorities. With the yang approach, having a unique priority for each flow in ACL filter table is not required anymore.

container acl-ports-lookup {
    config false;
    description "Container used to manage list of ports per ACL based on
        port's IP address/prefix (including IP address/prefix specified in

    list acl-ports-by-ip {
        key "acl-name";
        description "Refers to an ACL which are associated with list of
            ports filtered based on IP address/prefix.";

        leaf acl-name {
            type string;
            description "ACL name.";
        list acl-ip-prefixes {
            key "ip-prefix";
            description "IP Prefixes and Allowed-Address-Pairs owned by
                ports where all such ports enforce the same ACL identified
                by acl-name";

            leaf ip-prefix {
                type ip-prefix-or-address;
                description "IP address/prefix";
            list port-ids {
                key "port-id";
                description "Contains a list of ports that are enforcing
                    the same ACL identified by acl-name.";
                leaf port-id {
                    type string;
                    description "Port UUID string";

Configuration impact


Clustering considerations

With the proposed changes, ACL should work in cluster environment seamlessly as it’s with the current ACL feature.

Other Infra considerations


Security considerations


Scale and Performance Impact

There will be improvements in scale and performance due to below reasons:
  • Optimization for Remote ACL by reducing number of flows even for ports having multiple ACLs.

  • Removal of ID manager dependency for generation of flow priorities configured in ACL filter tables.

Targeted Release



Currently, conntrack supports or recognizes only those IP protocols which carry point-to-point datapath information. Conntrack should support all the other IP protocols (VRRP, OSPF, etc) as well so that they are NOT classified as INVALID.

This approach was not selected as
  • The support has to be provided in conntrack module. Or until it is supported in conntrack, the proposed change is required in ACL module.

  • List of protocols to be supported in conntrack might need continuous updates or it has to be handled in generic way.


Features to Install



No new REST API is being added.


No new CLI being added.



Primary assignee:

Somashekar Byrappa <>

Other contributors:

Shashidhar R <>

Work Items

  • Support protocols like OSPF, VRRP etc in ACL that are not supported by conntrack in stateful mode.

  • Handle overlapping IP addresses while processing remote ACLs by making use of new yang container (acl-ports-lookup).


No new dependencies.


Unit Tests

Following test cases will need to be added/expanded

  1. Verify ACL functionality with VRRP, OSPF protcols

  2. Verify ACL functionality with other IP protocols not supported by conntrack

  3. Verify ACL with ports having overlapping IP addresses.

  4. Verify ACL with ports having single SG.

  5. Verify ACL with ports having multiple SGs.

Also, existing unit tests have to be updated to include new pipeline/flow changes.

Integration Tests

Integration tests will be added, once IT framework is ready


Following test cases will need to be added/expanded

  1. Verify ACL functionality with VRRP, OSPF protcols

  2. Verify ACL functionality with other IP protocols not supported by conntrack

  3. Verify ACL with ports having overlapping IP addresses.

  4. Verify ACL with ports having single SG.

  5. Verify ACL with ports having multiple SGs.

Documentation Impact

