OF Tunnels


OF Tunnels feature adds support for flow based tunnels to allow scalable overlay tunnels.

Problem description

Today when tunnel interfaces are created, InterFaceManager [IFM] creates one OVS port for each tunnel interface i.e. source-destination pair. For N devices in a TransportZone this translates to N*(N-1) tunnel ports created across all devices and N-1 ports in each device. This has obvious scale limitations.

Use Cases

This feature will support following use cases:

  • Use case 1: Allow user to specify if they want to use flow based tunnels at the time of configuration.
  • Use case 2: Create single OVS Tunnel Interface if flow based tunnels are configured and this is the first tunnel on this device/tep.
  • Use case 3: Flow based and non flow based tunnels should be able to exist in a given transport zone.
  • Use case 4: On tep delete, if this is the last tunnel interface on this tep/device and it is flow based tunnel, delete the OVS Tunnel Interface.

Following use cases will not be supported:

  • Configuration of flow based and non-flow based tunnels of same type on the same device. OVS requires one of the following: remote_ip, local_ip, type and key to be unique. Currently we don’t support multiple local_ip and key is always set to flow. So remote_ip and type are the only unique identifiers. remote_ip=flow is a super set of remote_ip=<fixed-ip> and we can’t have two interfaces with all other fields same except this.
  • Changing tunnel from one flow based to non-flow based at runtime. Such a change will require deletion and addition of tep. This is inline with existing model where tunnel-type cannot be changed at runtime.
  • Configuration of Source IP for tunnel through flow. It will still be fixed. Though we’re adding option in IFM YANG for this, implementation for it won’t be done till we get use case(s) for it.

Proposed change

OVS 2.0.0 onwards allows configuration of flow based tunnels through interface option:remote_ip=flow. Currently this field is set to IP address of the destination endpoint.

remote_ip=flow means tunnel destination IP will be set by an OpenFlow action. This allows us to add different actions for different destinations using the single OVS/OF port.

This change will add optional parameters to ITM and IFM YANG files to allow OF Tunnels. Based on this option, ITM will configure IFM which in turn will create tunnel ports in OVSDB.

Using OVSDB Plugin

OVSDB Plugin provides following field in Interface to configure options:

 list options {
     description "Port/Interface related optional input values";
     key "option";
     leaf option {
         description "Option name";
         type string;
     leaf value {
         description "Option value";
         type string;

For flow based tunnels we will set option name remote_ip to value flow.

MDSALUtil changes

Following new actions will be added to mdsalutil/ActionType.java

  • set_tunnel_src_ip
  • set_tunnel_dest_ip

Following new matches will be added to mdsalutil/NxMatchFieldType.java

  • tun_src_ip
  • tun_dest_ip

Pipeline changes

This change adds a new match in Table0. Today we match in in_port to determine which tunnel interface this pkt came in on. Since currently each tunnel maps to a source-destination pair it tells us about source device. For interfaces configured to use flow based tunnels this will add an additional match for tun_src_ip. So, in_port+tunnel_src_ip will give us which tunnel interface this pkt belongs to.

When services call getEgressActions(), they will get one additional action, ``set_tunnel_dest_ip before the output:ofport action.

YANG changes

Changes will be needed in itm.yang and odl-interface.yang to allow configuring a tunnel as flow based or not.

ITM YANG changes

A new parameter option-of-tunnel will be added to list-vteps

 list vteps {
     key "dpn-id portname";
     leaf dpn-id {
         type uint64;
     leaf portname {
         type string;
     leaf ip-address {
         type inet:ip-address;
     leaf option-of-tunnel {
         type boolean;
         default false;

Same parameter will also be added to tunnel-end-points in itm-state.yang. This will help eliminate need to retrieve information from TransportZones when configuring tunnel interfaces.

 list tunnel-end-points {
     ordered-by user;
     key "portname VLAN-ID ip-address tunnel-type";
     /* Multiple tunnels on the same physical port but on different VLAN can be supported */

     leaf portname {
         type string;
     leaf option-of-tunnel {
         type boolean;
         default false;

This will allow to set OF Tunnels on per VTEP basis. So in a transport-zone we can have some VTEPs (devices) that use OF Tunnels and others that don’t. Default of false means it will not impact existing behavior and will need to be explicitly configured. Going forward we can choose to set default true.

IFM YANG changes

We’ll add a new tunnel-optional-params and add them to iftunnel

 grouping tunnel-optional-params {
     leaf tunnel-source-ip-flow {
         type boolean;
         default false;

     leaf tunnel-remote-ip-flow {
         type boolean;
         default false;

     list tunnel-options {
         key "tunnel-option";
         leaf tunnel-option {
             description "Tunnel Option name";
             type string;
         leaf value {
             description "Option value";
             type string;

The list tunnel-options is a list of key-value pairs of strings, similar to options in OVSDB Plugin. These are not needed for OF Tunnels but is being added to allow user to configure any other Interface options that OVS supports. Aim is to enable developers and users try out newer options supported by OVS without needing to add explicit support for it. Note that there is no counterpart for this option in itm.yang. Any options that we want to explicitly support will be added as a separate option. This will allow us to do better validations for options that are needed for our specific use cases.

 augment "/if:interfaces/if:interface" {
     ext:augment-identifier "if-tunnel";
     when "if:type = 'ianaift:tunnel'";
     uses tunnel-optional-params;
     uses monitor-params;


Adding tep

  1. User: While adding tep user gives option-of-tunnel:true for tep being added.
  2. ITM: When creating tunnel interfaces for this tep, if option-of-tunnel:true, set tunnel-remote-ip:true for the tunnel interface.
  3. IFM: If option-of-tunnel:true and this is first tunne on this device, set option:remote_ip=flow when creating tunnel interface in OVSDB. Else, set option:remote_ip=<destination-ip>.

Deleting tep

  1. If tunnel-remote-ip:true and this is last tunnel on this device, delete tunnel port in OVSDB. Else, do nothing.
  2. If tunnel-remote-ip:false, follow existing logic.

Configuration impact

This change doesn’t add or modify any configuration parameters.

Clustering considerations

Any clustering requirements are already addressed in ITM and IFM, no new requirements added as part of this feature.

Scale and Performance Impact

This solution will help improve scale numbers by reducing no. of interfaces created on devices as well as no. of interfaces and ports present in inventory and network-topology.

Targeted Release(s)

Carbon. Boron-SR3.

Known Limitations

BFD monitoring will not work when OF Tunnels are used. Today BFD monitoring in OVS relies on destination_ip configured in remote_ip when creating tunnel port to determine target IP for BFD packets. If we use flow it won’t know where to send BFD packets. Unless OVS allows adding destination IP for BFD monitoring on such tunnels, monitoring cannot be enabled.


LLDP/ARP based monitoring was considered for OF tunnels to overcome lack of BFD monitoring but was rejected because LLDP/ARP based monitoring doesn’t scale well. Since driving requirement for this feature is scale setups, it didn’t make sense to use an unscalable solution for monitoring.

XML/CFG file based global knob to enable OF tunnels for all tunnel interfaces was rejected due to inflexible nature of such a solution. Current solution allows a more fine grained and device based configuration at runtime. Also, wanted to avoid adding yet another global configuration knob.


Features to Install

This feature doesn’t add any new karaf feature.


Adding TEPs to transport zone

For most users TEP Addition is the only configuration they need to do to create tunnels using genius. The REST API to add TEPs with OF Tunnels is same as earlier with one small addition.

URL: restconf/config/itm:transport-zones/

Sample JSON data

 "transport-zone": [
         "zone-name": "TZA",
         "subnets": [
                 "prefix": "",
                 "vlan-id": 0,
                 "vteps": [
                         "dpn-id": "1",
                         "portname": "eth2",
                         "ip-address": "",
                 "gateway-ip": ""
         "tunnel-type": "odl-interface:tunnel-type-vxlan"

Creating tunnel-interface directly in IFM

This use case is mainly for those who want to write applications using Genius and/or want to create individual tunnel interfaces. Note that this is a simpler easy way to create tunnels without needing to delve into how OVSDB Plugin creates tunnels.

Refer Genius User Guide for more details on this.

URL: restconf/config/ietf-interfaces:interfaces

Sample JSON data

 "interfaces": {
 "interface": [
         "name": "vxlan_tunnel",
         "type": "iana-if-type:tunnel",
         "odl-interface:tunnel-interface-type": "odl-interface:tunnel-type-vxlan",
         "odl-interface:datapath-node-identifier": "1",
         "odl-interface:tunnel-source": "",
         "odl-interface:tunnel-destination": "",
         "odl-interface:tunnel-remote-ip-flow": "true",
         "odl-interface:monitor-enabled": false,
         "odl-interface:monitor-interval": 10000,
         "enabled": true


A new boolean option, remoteIpFlow will be added to tep:add command.

  adding a tunnel end point

  tep:add [dpnId] [portNo] [vlanId] [ipAddress] [subnetMask] [gatewayIp] [transportZone]

          Use flow for remote ip



Primary assignee:
<Vishal Thapar>
Other contributors:
<Vacancies available>

Work Items

  1. YANG changes
  2. Add relevant match and actions to MDSALUtil
  3. Add set_tunnel_dest_ip action to actions returned in getEgressActions() for OF Tunnels.
  4. Add match on tun_src_ip in Table0 for OF Tunnels.
  5. Add CLI.
  6. Add UTs.
  7. Add ITs.
  8. Add CSIT.
  9. Add Documentation


This doesn’t add any new dependencies. This requires minimum of OVS 2.0.0 which is already lower than required by some of other features.

This change is backwards compatible, so no impact on dependent projects. Projects can choose to start using this when they want. However, there is a known limitation with monitoring, refer Limitations section for details.

Following projects currently depend on Genius:

  • Netvirt
  • SFC


Unit Tests

Appropriate UTs will be added for the new code coming in once framework is in place.

Integration Tests

Integration tests will be added once IT framework for ITM and IFM is ready.


CSIT already has test cases for tunnels which test with non OF Tunnels. Similar test cases will be added for OF Tunnels. Alternatively, some of the existing test cases that use multiple teps can be tweaked to use OF Tunnels for one of them.

Following test cases will need to be added/expanded in Genius CSIT:

  1. Create a TZ with more than one TEPs set to use OF Tunnels and test datapath.
  2. Create a TZ with mix of OF and non OF Tunnels and test datapath.
  3. Delete a TEP using OF Tunnels and add it again with non OF tunnels and test the datapath.
  4. Delete a TEP using non OF Tunnels and add it again with OF Tunnels and test datapath.

Documentation Impact

This will require changes to User Guide and Developer Guide.

User Guide will need to add information on how to add TEPs with flow based tunnels.

Developer Guide will need to capture how to use changes in IFM to create individual tunnel interfaces.