Service Binding On Tunnels

Service Binding On Tunnels Feature enables applications to bind multiple services on an ingress/egress tunnel.

Problem description

Currently GENIUS does not provide a generic mechanism to support binding services on all interfaces.Ingress service binding pipeline is different for l2vlan interfaces and tunnel interfaces.Similarly, egress Service Binding is only supported for l2vlan interfaces.

Today when ingress services are bound on a tunnel, the highest priority service gets bound in INTERFACE INGRESS TABLE(0) itself, and remaining service entries get populated in LPORT DISPATCHER TABLE(17), which is not in alignment with the service binding logic for VM ports. As part of this feature, we enable ingress/egress service binding support for tunnels in the same way as for VM interfaces. This feature also enables service-binding based on a tunnel-type which is basically meant for optimizing the number of flow entries in dispatcher tables.

Use Cases

This feature will support following use cases:

  • Use case 1: IFM should support binding services based on tunnel type.

  • Use case 2: All application traffic ingressing on a tunnel should go through the LPORT DISPATCHER TABLE(17).

  • Use case 3: IFM should support binding multiple ingress services on tunnels.

  • Use case 4: IFM should support priority based ingress service handling for tunnels.

  • Use case 5: IFM should support unbinding ingress services on tunnels.

  • Use case 6: IFM should support binding multiple egress services on tunnels.

  • Use case 7: IFM should support priority based egress service handling for tunnels.

  • Use case 8: All application traffic egressing on a tunnel should go through the egress dispatcher table(220).

  • Use case 9: Datapath should be intact even if there is no egress service bound on the tunnel.

  • Use case 10: IFM should support unbinding egress services on tunnels.

  • Use case 11: IFM should support handling of lower layer interface deletions gracefully.

  • Use case 12: IFM should support binding services based on tunnel type and lport-tag on the same tunnel interface on a priority basis.

  • Use case 13: Applications should bind on specific tunnel types on module startup

  • Use case 13: IFM should take care of programming the tunnel type based binding flows on each DPN.

Following use cases will not be supported:

  • Use case 1 : Update of service binding on tunnels. Any update should be done as delete and re-create

Proposed change

The proposed change extends the current l2vlan service binding functionality to tunnel interfaces. With this feature, multiple applications can bind their services on the same tunnel interface, and traffic will be processed on an application priority basis. Applications are given the flexibility to provide service specific actions while they bind their services. Normally service binding actions include go-to-service-pipeline-entry-table. Packets will enter a particular service based on the service priority, and if the packet is not consumed by the service, it is the application’s responsibility to resubmit the packet back to the egress/ingress dispatcher table for further processing by next priority service. Egress Dispatcher Table will have a default service priority entry per tunnel interface to egress the packet on the tunnel port.So, if there are no egress services bound on a tunnel interface, this default entry will take care of taking the packet out of the switch.

The feature also enables service binding based on tunnel type. This way number of entries in Dispatcher Tables can be optimized if all the packets entering on tunnel of a particular type needs to be handled in the same way.

Pipeline changes

There is a pipeline change introduced as part of this feature for tunnel egress as well as ingress, and is captured in genius pipeline document patch 2.

With this feature, all traffic from INTERFACE_INGRESS_TABLE(0) will be dispatched to LPORT_DISPATCHER_TABLE(17), from where the packets will be dispatched to the respective applications on a priority basis.

Register6 will be used to set the ingress tunnel-type in Table0, and this can be used to match in Table17 to identify the respective applications bound on the tunnel-type. Remaining logic of ingress service binding will remain as is, and service-priority and interface-tag will be set in metadata as usual. The bits from 25-28 of Register6 will be used to indicate tunnel-type.

After the ingress service processing, packets which are identified to be egressed on tunnel interfaces, currently directly go to the tunnel port. With this feature, these packets will goto Egress Dispatcher Table[Table 220] first, where the packet will be processed by Egress Services on the tunnel interface one by one, and finally will egress the switch.

Register6 will be used to indicate service priority as well as interface tag for the egress tunnel interface, in Egress Dispatcher Table, and when there are N services bound on a tunnel interface, there will be N+1 entries in Egress Dispatcher Table, the additional one for the default tunnel entry. The first 4 bits of Register6 will be used to indicate the service priority and the next 20 bits for interface Tag, and this will be the match criteria for packet redirection to service pipeline in Egress Dispatcher Table. Before sending the packet to the service, Egress Dispatcher Table will set the service index to the next service’ priority. Same as ingress, Register6 will be used for egress tunnel-type matching, if there are services bound on tunnel-type.






SI=0,reg6=interface_type, metadata=lport tag, goto table 17


metadata=service priority && lport-tag(priority=10)

increment SI, apply service specific actions, goto ingress service

reg6=tunnel-type priority=5

increment SI, apply service specific actions, goto ingress service


Reg6==service Priority && lport-tag(priority=10)

increment SI, apply service specific actions, goto egress service

reg6=tunnel-type priority=5

increment SI, apply service specific actions, goto egress service

RPC Changes

GetEgressActionsForInterface RPC in interface-manager currently returns the output:port action for tunnel interfaces. This will be changed to return set_field_reg6(default-service-index + interface-tag) and resubmit(egress_dispatcher_table).

Yang changes

No yang changes are needed, as binding on tunnel-type is enabled by having reserved keywords for interface-names


Create Tunnel

  1. User: User created a tunnel end point

  2. IFM: When tunnel port is created on OVS, and the respective OpenFlow port Notification comes, IFM binds a default service in Egress Dispatcher Table for the tunnel interface, which will be the least priority service, and the action will be to take the packet out on the tunnel port.

Bind Service on Tunnel Interface

  1. User: While binding service on tunnels user gives service-priority, service-mode and instructions for service being bound on the tunnel interface.

  2. IFM: When binding the service for the tunnel, if this is the first service being bound, program flow rules in Dispatcher Table(ingress/egress based on service mode) to match on service-priority and interface-tag value with actions pointing to the service specific actions supplied by the application.

  3. IFM: When binding a second service, based on the service priority one more flow will be created in Dispatcher Table with matches specific to the new service priority.

Unbind Service on Tunnel Interface

  1. User: While unbinding service on tunnels user gives service-priority and service-mode for service being unbound on the tunnel interface.

  2. IFM: When unbinding the service for the tunnel, IFM removes the entry in Dispatcher Tables for the service. IFM also rearranges the remaining flows for the same tunnel interface to adjust the missing service priority

Bind Service on Tunnel Type

  1. Application: While binding service on tunnel type user gives a reserved keyword indicating the tunnel-type apart from``service-priority``, service-mode and instructions for service being bound. The reserved keywords will be ALL_VXLAN_INTERNAL, ALL_VXLAN_EXTERNAL, and ALL_MPLS_OVER_GRE.

  2. IFM: When binding the service for the tunnel-type,program flow rules in Dispatcher Table(ingress/egress based on service mode) to match on service-priority and tunnel-type value with actions pointing to the service specific actions supplied by the application will be created on each DPN.

  3. IFM: When binding a second service, based on the service priority one more flow will be created in Dispatcher Table with matches specific to the new service priority will be created on each DPN..

Unbind Service on Tunnel Type

  1. User: While unbinding service on tunnels user gives a reserved keyword indicating the tunnel-type ,``service-priority`` and service-mode for service being unbound on all connected DPNs.

  2. IFM: When unbinding the service for the tunnel-type, IFM removes the entry in Dispatcher Tables for the service. IFM also rearranges the remaining flows for the same tunnel type to adjust the missing service priority

Delete Tunnel

  1. User: User deleted a tunnel end point

  2. IFM: When tunnel port is deleted on OVS, and the respective OpenFlow Port Notification comes, IFM unbinds the default service in Egress Dispatcher Table for the tunnel interface.

  3. IFM: If there are any outstanding services bound on the tunnel interface, all the Dispatcher Table Entries for this Tunnel will be deleted by IFM.

Application Module Startup

  1. Applications: When Application bundle comes up, they can bind respective applications on the tunnel types they are interested in, with their respective service priorities.

Configuration impact

This change doesn’t add or modify any configuration parameters.

Clustering considerations

The solution is supported on a 3-node cluster.

Scale and Performance Impact

  • The feature adds one extra transaction during tunnel port creation, since the default Egress Dispatcher Table entry has to be programmed for each tunnel.

  • The feature provides support for service-binding on tunnel type with the primary purpose of minimizing the number of flow entries in ingress/egress dispatcher tables.


Features to Install

This feature doesn’t add any new karaf feature.Installing any of the below features can enable the service:

odl-genius-ui odl-genius-rest odl-genius


Creating tunnel-interface directly in IFM

This use case is mainly for those who want to write applications using Genius and/or want to create individual tunnel interfaces. Note that this is a simpler easy way to create tunnels without needing to delve into how OVSDB Plugin creates tunnels.

Refer Genius User Guide [4]_ for more details on this.

URL: restconf/config/ietf-interfaces:interfaces

Sample JSON data

 "interfaces": {
 "interface": [
         "name": "vxlan_tunnel",
         "type": "iana-if-type:tunnel",
         "odl-interface:tunnel-interface-type": "odl-interface:tunnel-type-vxlan",
         "odl-interface:datapath-node-identifier": "1",
         "odl-interface:tunnel-source": "",
         "odl-interface:tunnel-destination": "",
         "odl-interface:monitor-enabled": false,
         "odl-interface:monitor-interval": 10000,
         "enabled": true

Binding Egress Service On Tunnels

URL: http://localhost:8181/restconf/config/interface-service-bindings:service-bindings/services-info/{tunnel-interface-name}/interface-service-bindings:service-mode-egress

Sample JSON data

   "bound-services": [
       "service-name": "service1",
       "flow-priority": "5",
       "service-type": "service-type-flow-based",
       "instruction": [
         "order": 1,
         "go-to-table": {
            "table_id": 88
       "service-priority": "2",
       "flow-cookie": "1"





Primary assignee:

Faseela K

Work Items

  1. Create Table 0 tunnel entries to set tunnel-type and lport_tag and point to LPORT_DISPATCHER_TABLE

  2. Support of reserved keyword in interface-names for tunnel type based service binding.

  3. Program tunnel-type based service binding flows on DPN connect events.

  4. Program Lport Dispatcher Flows(17) on bind service

  5. Remove Lport Dispatcher Flows(17) on unbind service

  6. Handle multiple service bind/unbind on tunnel interface

  7. Create default Egress Service for Tunnel on Tunnel Creation

  8. Add set_field_reg_6 and resubmit(220) action to actions returned in getEgressActionsForInterface() for Tunnels.

  9. Program Egress Dispatcher Table(220) Flows on bind service

  10. Remove Egress Dispatcher Table(220) Flows on unbind service

  11. Handle multiple egress service bind/unbind on tunnel interface

  12. Delete default Egress Service for Tunnel on Tunnel Deletion

  13. Add UTs.

  14. Add CSIT.

  15. Add Documentation

  16. Trello Card :


Genius, Netvirt

There will be several impacts on netvirt pipeline with this change. A brief overview is given in the table below:


Capture details of testing that will need to be added.

Unit Tests

New junits will be added to InterfaceManagerConfigurationTest to cover the following :

  1. Bind/Unbind single ingress service on tunnel-type

  2. Bind/Unbind single egress service on tunnel-type

  3. Bind single ingress service on tunnel-interface

  4. Unbind single ingress service on tunnel-interface

  5. Bind multiple ingress services on tunnel in priority order

  6. Unbind multiple ingress services on tunnel in priority order

  7. Bind multiple ingress services out of priority order

  8. Unbind multiple ingress services out of priority order

  9. Delete tunnel port to check if ingress dispatcher flows for bound services get deleted

  10. Add tunnel port back to check if ingress dispatcher flows for bound services get added back

  11. Bind single egress service on tunnel

  12. Unbind single egress service on tunnel

  13. Bind multiple egress services on tunnel in priority order

  14. Unbind multiple egress services on tunnel in priority order

  15. Bind multiple egress services out of priority order

  16. Unbind multiple egress services out of priority order

  17. Delete tunnel port to check if egress dispatcher flows for bound services get deleted

  18. Add tunnel port back to check if egress dispatcher flows for bound services get added back


The following TCs should be added to CSIT to cover this feature:

  1. Bind/Unbind single ingress/egress service on tunnel-type to see the corresponding table entries are created in switch.

  2. Bind single ingress service on tunnel to see the corresponding table entries are created in switch.

  3. Unbind single ingress service on tunnel to see the corresponding table entries are deleted in switch.

  4. Bind multiple ingress services on tunnel in priority order to see if metadata changes are proper on the flow table.

  5. Unbind multiple ingress services on tunnel in priority order to see if metadata changes are proper on the flow table on each unbind.

  6. Bind multiple ingress services out of priority order to see if metadata changes are proper on the flow table.

  7. Unbind multiple ingress services out of priority order.

  8. Delete tunnel port to check if ingress dispatcher flows for bound services get deleted.

  9. Add tunnel port back to check if ingress dispatcher flows for bound services get added back.

  10. Bind single egress service on tunnel to see the corresponding table entries are created in switch.

  11. Unbind single egress service on tunnel to see the corresponding table entries are deleted in switch.

  12. Bind multiple egress services on tunnel in priority order to see if metadata changes are proper on the flow table.

  13. Unbind multiple egress services on tunnel in priority order to see if metadata changes are proper on the flow table on each unbind.

  14. Bind multiple egress services out of priority order to see if metadata changes are proper on the flow table.

  15. Unbind multiple egress services out of priority order.

  16. Delete tunnel port to check if egress dispatcher flows for bound services get deleted.

  17. Add tunnel port back to check if egress dispatcher flows for bound services get added back.

Documentation Impact

This will require changes to User Guide and Developer Guide.

There is a pipeline change for tunnel datapath introduced due to this change. This should go in User Guide.

Developer Guide should capture how to configure egress service binding on tunnels.



Genius Carbon Release Plan


Netvirt Pipeline Diagram


Genius Trello Card


Genius User Guide


This template was derived from [2], and has been modified to support our project.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.