Service Recovery Test Plan

Test plan for testing service recovery manager functionalities.

Test Setup

Test setup consists of ODL with odl-genius-rest installed and two switches (DPNs) connected to ODL over OVSDB and OpenflowPlugin.

Testbed Topologies

This suit uses the default Genius topology.

Default Topology

+--------+       +--------+
|  BR1   | data  |  BR2   |
|        <------->        |
+---^----+       +----^---+
    |       mgmt      |
|                         |
|           ODL           |
|                         |
|        odl-genius       |
|                         |

Test Suite Requirements

Test Suite Bringup

Following steps are followed at beginning of test suite:

  • Bring up ODL with odl-genius feature installed
  • Add bridge to DPN
  • Add tap interfaces to bridge created above
  • Add OVSDB manager to DPN using ovs-vsctl set-manager
  • Connect bridge to OpenFlow using ovs-vsctl set-controller
  • Repeat above steps for other DPNs
  • Create REST session to ODL

Test Suite Cleanup

Following steps are followed at the end of test suite:

  • Delete bridge DPN
  • Delete OVSDB manager ‘ovs-vsctl del-manager’
  • Repeat above steps for other DPNs
  • Delete REST session to ODL


Capture any debugging information that is captured at start of suite and end of suite.

Test Cases

ITM TEP Recovery

Verify SRM by recovering TEP instance by using transportzone name and TEP’s ip address.

Test Steps and Pass Criteria

  1. Create the VxLAN Tunnels between the OVS to OVS.
    1. Create the setup as per the default-topology.
    2. Create ITM tunnel using REST API.
    3. Verify the ITM is created on both controller and ovs.
    4. Delete a tunnel port from any one of the OVS manually or delete any ietf Tunnel interface via REST.
    5. Check ietf Tunnel interface is deleted on both controller and ovs.
    6. Login to karaf and issue instance recovery command using transportzone name and TEP’s ip address.
    7. Above deleted ITM is recovered
    8. Verify in controller and ovs.

ITM Transportzone Recovery

Verify SRM by recovering TZ instance using transportzone name.

Test Steps and Pass Criteria

  1. Create the VxLAN Tunnels between the OVS to OVS.
    1. Create the setup as per the default-topology.
    2. Create ITM tunnel using REST API.
    3. Verify the ITM is created on both controller and ovs.
    4. Delete a tunnel port from any one of the OVS manually or delete any ietf Tunnel interface via REST.
    5. Check ietf Tunnel interface is deleted on both controller and ovs.
    6. Login to karaf and issue instance recovery command using transportzone name.
    7. Above deleted ITM is recovered
    8. Verify in controller and ovs.

ITM Service Recovery

Verify SRM by recovering service ITM.

Test Steps and Pass Criteria

  1. Create the VxLAN Tunnels between the OVS to OVS.
    1. Create the setup as per the default-topology.
    2. Create ITM tunnel using REST API.
    3. Verify the ITM is created on both controller and ovs.
    4. Delete any one of the ietf Tunnel interface in ietf-interface config datastore via REST.
    5. Check ietf Tunnel interface is deleted on both controller and ovs.
    6. Login to karaf and issue service recovery command using service name.
    7. Above deleted ITM is recovered
    8. Verify in controller and ovs.

IFM Instance Recovery

Verify SRM instance recovery using interface port name.

Test Steps and Pass Criteria

  1. Create the VxLAN Tunnels between the OVS to OVS.
    1. Create the setup as per the default-topology.
    2. Create ITM tunnel using REST API.
    3. Verify the ITM is created on both controller and ovs.
    4. Delete a tunnel port from any one of the OVS manually or delete any ietf Tunnel interface via REST.
    5. Check ietf Tunnel interface is deleted on both controller and ovs.
    6. Login to karaf and issue instance recovery command using interface port name.
    7. Above deleted ITM is recovered
    8. Verify in controller and ovs.

IFM Service Recovery

Verify SRM by recovering service IFM.

Test Steps and Pass Criteria

  1. Create the VxLAN Tunnels between the OVS to OVS.
    1. Create the setup as per the default-topology.
    2. Create ITM tunnel using REST API.
    3. Verify the ITM is created on both controller and ovs.
    4. Delete any one of the Tunnel interface in network-topology interface datastore via REST.
    5. Check Tunnel interface is deleted on both controller and ovs.
    6. Login to karaf and issue service recovery command using service name.
    7. Above deleted ITM is recovered
    8. Verify in controller and ovs.




Who is contributing test cases? In case of multiple authors, designate a primary assignee and other contributors. Primary assignee is also expected to be maintainer once test code is in.

Primary assignee:
Nidhi Adhvaryu
Other contributors: