Genius User Guide


The Genius project provides generic network interfaces, utilities and services. Any OpenDaylight application can use these to achieve interference-free co-existence with other applications using Genius.

Modules and Interfaces

In the first phase delivered in OpenDaylight Boron release, Genius provides following modules —

  • Modules providing a common view of network interfaces for different services

    • Interface (logical port) Manager

      • Allows bindings/registration of multiple services to logical ports/interfaces

      • Ability to plug in different types of southbound protocol renderers

    • Overlay Tunnel Manager

      • Creates and maintains overlay tunnels between configured Tunnel Endpoints (TEPs)

  • Modules providing commonly used functions as shared services to avoid duplication of code and waste of resources

    • Liveness Monitor

      • Provides tunnel/nexthop liveness monitoring services

    • ID Manager

      • Generates persistent unique integer IDs

    • MD-SAL Utils

      • Provides common generic APIs for interaction with MD-SAL

Interface Manager Operations

Creating interfaces

The YANG file Data Model odl-interface.yang contains the interface configuration data-model.

You can create interfaces at the MD-SAL Data Node Path /config/if:interfaces/interface, with the following attributes —

*Common attributes*

  • name — unique interface name, can be any unique string (e.g., UUID string)

  • type — interface type, currently supported iana-if-type:l2vlan and iana-if-type:tunnel

  • enabled — admin status, possible values true or false

  • parent-refs : used to specify references to parent interface/port feeding to this interface

  • datapath-node-identifier — identifier for a fixed/physical dataplane node, can be physical switch identifier

  • parent-interface — can be a physical switch port (in conjunction of above), virtual switch port (e.g., neutron port) or another interface

  • list node-identifier — identifier of the dependant underlying configuration protocol

    • topology-id — can be ovsdb configuration protocol

    • node-id — can be hwvtep node-id

*Type specific attributes*

  • when type = l2vlan

    • vlan-id — VLAN id for trunk-member l2vlan interfaces

    • l2vlan-mode — currently supported ones are transparent, trunk or trunk-member

  • when type = stacked_vlan (Not supported yet)

    • stacked-vlan-id — VLAN-Id for additional/second VLAN tag

  • when type = tunnel

    • tunnel-interface-type — tunnel type, currently supported ones are:

      • tunnel-type-vxlan

      • tunnel-type-gre

      • tunnel-type-mpls-over-gre

    • tunnel-source — tunnel source IP address

    • tunnel-destination — tunnel destination IP address

    • tunnel-gateway — gateway IP address

    • monitor-enabled — tunnel monitoring enable control

    • monitor-interval — tunnel monitoring interval in millisiconds

  • when type = mpls (Not supported yet)

    • list labelStack — list of lables

    • num-labels — number of lables configured

Supported REST calls are GET, PUT, DELETE, POST

Creating L2 port interfaces

Interfaces on normal L2 ports (e.g. Neutron tap ports) are created with type l2vlan and l2vlan-mode as transparent. This type of interface classifies packets passing through a particular L2 (OpenFlow) port. In dataplane, packets belonging to this interface are classified by matching in-port against the of-port-id assigned to the base port as specified in parent-interface.

URL: /restconf/config/ietf-interfaces:interfaces

Sample JSON data

"interfaces": {
    "interface": [
            "name": "4158408c-942b-487c-9a03-0b603c39d3dd",
            "type": "iana-if-type:l2vlan",                       <--- interface type 'l2vlan' for normal L2 port
            "odl-interface:l2vlan-mode": "transparent",          <--- 'transparent' VLAN port mode allows any (tagged, untagged) ethernet packet
            "odl-interface:parent-interface": "tap4158408c-94",  <--- port-name as it appears on southbound interface
            "enabled": true

Creating VLAN interfaces

A VLAN interface is created as a l2vlan interface in trunk-member mode, by configuring a VLAN-Id and a particular L2 (vlan trunk) interface. Parent VLAN trunk interface is created in the same way as the transparent interface as specified above. A trunk-member interface defines a flow on a particular L2 port and having a particular VLAN tag. On ingress, after classification the VLAN tag is popped out and corresponding unique dataplane-id is associated with the packet, before delivering the packet to service processing. When a service module delivers the packet to this interface for egress, it pushes corresponding VLAN tag and sends the packet out of the parent L2 port.

URL: /restconf/config/ietf-interfaces:interfaces

Sample JSON data

"interfaces": {
    "interface": [
            "name": "4158408c-942b-487c-9a03-0b603c39d3dd:100",
            "type": "iana-if-type:l2vlan",
            "odl-interface:l2vlan-mode": "trunk-member",        <--- for 'trunk-member', flow is classified with particular vlan-id on an l2 port
            "odl-interface:parent-interface": "4158408c-942b-487c-9a03-0b603c39d3dd",  <--- Parent 'trunk' iterface name
            "odl-interface:vlan-id": "100",
            "enabled": true

Creating Overlay Tunnel Interfaces

An overlay tunnel interface is created with type tunnel and particular tunnel-interface-type. Tunnel interfaces are created on a particular data plane node (virtual switches) with a pair of (local, remote) IP addresses. Currently supported tunnel interface types are VxLAN, GRE and MPLSoverGRE.

URL: /restconf/config/ietf-interfaces:interfaces

Sample JSON data

"interfaces": {
    "interface": [
            "name": "MGRE_TUNNEL:1",
            "type": "iana-if-type:tunnel",
            "odl-interface:tunnel-interface-type": "odl-interface:tunnel-type-mpls-over-gre",
            "odl-interface:datapath-node-identifier": 156613701272907,
            "odl-interface:tunnel-source": "",
            "odl-interface:tunnel-destination": "",
            "odl-interface:monitor-enabled": false,
            "odl-interface:monitor-interval": 10000,
            "enabled": true

Binding services on interface

The YANG file odl-interface-service-bindings.yang contains the service binding configuration data model.

An application can bind services to a particular interface by configuring MD-SAL data node at path /config/interface-service-binding. Binding services on interface allows particular service to pull traffic arriving on that interface depending upon the service priority. Service modules can specify openflow-rules to be applied on the packet belonging to the interface. Usually these rules include sending the packet to specific service table/pipeline. Service modules are responsible for sending the packet back (if not consumed) to service dispatcher table, for next service to process the packet.


Sample JSON data

"service-bindings": {
  "services-info": [
      "interface-name": "4152de47-29eb-4e95-8727-2939ac03ef84",
      "bound-services": [
          "service-name": "ELAN",
          "service-type": "interface-service-bindings:service-type-flow-based"
          "service-priority": 3,
          "flow-priority": 5,
          "flow-cookie": 134479872,
          "instruction": [
              "order": 2,
              "go-to-table": {
                "table_id": 50
              "order": 1,
              "write-metadata": {
                "metadata": 83953188864,
                "metadata-mask": 1099494850560
         "service-name": "L3VPN",
         "service-type": "interface-service-bindings:service-type-flow-based"
         "service-priority": 2,
         "flow-priority": 10,
         "flow-cookie": 134217729,
         "instruction": [
              "order": 2,
              "go-to-table": {
                "table_id": 21
              "order": 1,
              "write-metadata": {
                "metadata": 100,
                "metadata-mask": 4294967295

Interface Manager RPCs

In addition to the above defined configuration interfaces, Interface Manager also provides several RPCs to access interface operational data and other helpful information. Interface Manger RPCs are defined in odl-interface-rpc.yang

The following RPCs are available —


This RPC is used to retrieve dpid/switch hosting the root port from given interface name.

rpc get-dpid-from-interface {
    description "used to retrieve dpid from interface name";
    input {
        leaf intf-name {
            type string;
    output {
        leaf dpid {
            type uint64;


This RPC is used to retrieve south bound port attributes from the interface name.

rpc get-port-from-interface {
    description "used to retrieve south bound port attributes from the interface name";
    input {
        leaf intf-name {
            type string;
    output {
        leaf dpid {
            type uint64;
        leaf portno {
            type uint32;
        leaf portname {
            type string;


This RPC is used to retrieve group actions to use from interface name.

rpc get-egress-actions-for-interface {
    description "used to retrieve group actions to use from interface name";
    input {
        leaf intf-name {
            type string;
            mandatory true;
        leaf tunnel-key {
            description "It can be VNI for VxLAN tunnel ifaces, Gre Key for GRE tunnels, etc.";
            type uint32;
            mandatory false;
    output {
        uses action:action-list;


This RPC is used to retrieve flow instructions to use from interface name.

rpc get-egress-instructions-for-interface {
    description "used to retrieve flow instructions to use from interface name";
    input {
        leaf intf-name {
            type string;
            mandatory true;
        leaf tunnel-key {
            description "It can be VNI for VxLAN tunnel ifaces, Gre Key for GRE tunnels, etc.";
            type uint32;
            mandatory false;
    output {
        uses offlow:instruction-list;


This RPC is used to get the local ip of the tunnel/trunk interface on a particular DPN (Data Plane Node).

rpc get-endpoint-ip-for-dpn {
    description "to get the local ip of the tunnel/trunk interface";
    input {
        leaf dpid {
            type uint64;
    output {
        leaf-list local-ips {
            type inet:ip-address;


This RPC is used to get the type of the interface (vlan/vxlan or gre).

rpc get-interface-type {
description "to get the type of the interface (vlan/vxlan or gre)";
    input {
        leaf intf-name {
            type string;
    output {
        leaf interface-type {
            type identityref {
                base if:interface-type;


This RPC is used to get the type of the tunnel interface(vxlan or gre).

rpc get-tunnel-type {
description "to get the type of the tunnel interface (vxlan or gre)";
    input {
        leaf intf-name {
            type string;
    output {
        leaf tunnel-type {
            type identityref {
                base odlif:tunnel-type-base;


This RPC is used to get node-connector-id associated with an interface.

rpc get-nodeconnector-id-from-interface {
description "to get nodeconnector id associated with an interface";
    input {
        leaf intf-name {
            type string;
    output {
        leaf nodeconnector-id {
            type inv:node-connector-id;


This RPC is used to get interface associated with an if-index (dataplane interface id).

rpc get-interface-from-if-index {
    description "to get interface associated with an if-index";
        input {
            leaf if-index {
                type int32;
        output {
            leaf interface-name {
                type string;


This RPC is used to create the tunnel termination service table entries.

rpc create-terminating-service-actions {
description "create the ingress terminating service table entries";
    input {
         leaf dpid {
             type uint64;
         leaf tunnel-key {
             type uint64;
         leaf interface-name {
             type string;
         uses offlow:instruction-list;


This RPC is used to remove the tunnel termination service table entries.

rpc remove-terminating-service-actions {
description "remove the ingress terminating service table entries";
    input {
         leaf dpid {
             type uint64;
         leaf interface-name {
             type string;
         leaf tunnel-key {
             type uint64;

ID Manager