Load balancing and high availability of multiple VxLAN tunnels


The purpose of this feature is to enable resiliency and load balancing of VxLAN encapsulated traffic between pair of OVS nodes.

Additionally, the feature will provide infrastructure to support more complex use cases such as policy-based path selection. The exact implementation of policy-based path selection is out of the scope of this document and will be described in a different spec [2].

Problem description

The current ITM implementation enables creation of a single VxLAN tunnel between each pair of hypervisors.

If the hypervisor is connected to the network using multiple links with different capacity or connected to different L2 networks in different subnets, it is not possible to utilize all the available network resources to increase the throughput of traffic to remote hypervisors.

In addition, link failure of the network card forwarding the VxLAN traffic will result in complete traffic loss to/from the remote hypervisor if the network card is not part of a bonded interface.

Use Cases

  • Forwarding of VxLAN traffic between hypervisors with multiple network cards connected to L2 switches in different networks.

  • Forwarding of VxLAN traffic between hypervisors with multiple network cards connected to the same L2 switch.

Proposed change

ITM Changes

The ITM will continue to create tunnels based on transport-zone configuration similarly to the current implementation - TEP IP per DPN per transport zone. When ITM creates TEP interfaces, in addition to creating the actual tunnels, it will create logical tunnel interface for each pair of DPNs in the ietf-interface config data-store representing the tunnel aggregation group between the DPNs. The logical tunnel interface be created only when the first tunnel interface on each OVS is created. In addition, this feature will be guarded by a global configuration option in the ITM and will be turned off by default. Only when the feature is enabled, the logical tunnel interfaces will be created.

Creation of transport-zone with multiple IPs per DPN is out of the scope of this document and will be described in [2] However, the limitation of configuring no more than one TEP ip per transport zone will remain.

The logical tunnel will reference all member tunnel interfaces in the group using interface-child-info model. In addition, it would be possible to add weight to each member of the group to support unequal load-sharing of traffic.

The proposed feature depends on egress tunnel service binding functionality detailed in [3].

When the logical tunnel interface is created, a default egress service would be bound to it. The egress service will create an OF select group based on the actual list of tunnel members in the logical group. Each tunnel member can be assigned a weight field that will be applied on it’s corresponding bucket in the OF select group. If weight was not defined, the bucket weight will be configured with a default value of 1 resulting in uniform distribution if weight was not configured for any of the buckets. Each bucket in the select group will route the egress traffic to one of the tunnel members in the group by loading the lport-tag of the tunnel member interface to NXM register6.

Logical tunnel egress service pipeline example:

cookie=0x6900000, duration=0.802s, table=220, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=6,reg6=0x500
cookie=0x8000007, duration=0.546s, table=220, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=7,reg6=0x600 actions=output:3
cookie=0x8000007, duration=0.546s, table=220, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=7,reg6=0x700 actions=output:4
cookie=0x8000007, duration=0.546s, table=220, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, priority=7,reg6=0x800 actions=output:5

Each bucket of the LB group will set the watch_port property to be the tunnel member OF port number. This will allow the OVS to monitor the bucket liveness and route egress traffic only to live buckets.

BFD monitoring is required to probe the tunnel state and update the OF select group accordingly. Using OF tunnels [4] or turning off BFD monitoring will not allow the logical group service to respond to tunnel state changes.

OF select group for logical tunnel can contain a mix of IPv4 and IPv6 tunnels, depending on the transport-zone configuration.

A new pool will be allocated to generate OF group ids of the default select group and the policy groups described in [2]. The pool name VXLAN_GROUP_POOL will allocate ids from the id-manager in the range 300,000-310,000. ITM RPC calls to get internal tunnel interface between source and destination DPNs will return the logical tunnel interface group name if such exits, otherwise the lower layer tunnel will be returned.

IFM Changes

The logical tunnel group is an ietf-interface thus it has an allocated lport-tag. RPC call to getEgressActionsForInterface for the logical tunnel will load register6 with its corresponding lport-tag and resubmit the traffic to the egress dispatcher table.

The state of the logical tunnel group is affected by the states of the group members. If at least one of the tunnels is in oper-status UP, the logical group is considered UP.

If the logical tunnel was set as admin-status DOWN, all the tunnel members will be set accordingly.

Ingress traffic from VxLAN tunnels would not be bounded to any logical group service as part of this feature and it will continue to use the same workflow while traversing the ingress services pipeline.

Other applications would be able to utilize this infrastructure to introduce new services over logical tunnel group interface e.g. policy-based path selection. These services will take precedence over the default egress service for logical tunnel.

Netvirt Changes

L3 models map each combination of VRF id and destination prefix to a list of nexthop ip addresses. When calling getInternalOrExternalInterfaceName RPC from the FIB manager, if the DPN id of the remote nexthop is known it will be sent along with the nexthop ip. If logical tunnel exists between the source and destination DPNs it will be set as the lport-tag of register6 in the remote nexthop actions.

Pipeline changes

For the flows below it is assumed that a logical tunnel group was configured for both ingress and egress DPNs. The logical tunnel group is composed of { tunnnel1, tunnel2 } and bound to the default logical tunnel egress service.

Traffic between VMs on the same DPN

No pipeline changes required

L3 traffic between VMs on different DPNs

VM originating the traffic (Ingress DPN):
  • Remote next hop group in the FIB table references the logical tunnel group.

  • The default logical group service uses OF select group to load balance traffic between the tunnels.

    Classifier table (0) =>
    Dispatcher table (17) l3vpn service: set vpn-id=router-id =>
    GW Mac table (19) match: vpn-id=router-id,dst-mac=router-interface-mac =>
    FIB table (21) match: vpn-id=router-id,dst-ip=vm2-ip set dst-mac=vm2-mac tun-id=vm2-label reg6=logical-tun-lport-tag =>
    Egress table (220) match: reg6=logical-tun-lport-tag =>
    Logical tunnel LB select group set reg6=tun1-lport-tag =>
    Egress table (220) match: reg6=tun1-lport-tag output to tunnel1
VM receiving the traffic (Ingress DPN):
  • No pipeline changes required

    Classifier table (0) =>
    Internal tunnel Table (36) match:tun-id=vm2-label =>
    Local Next-Hop group: set dst-mac=vm2-mac,reg6=vm2-lport-tag =>
    Egress table (220) match: reg6=vm2-lport-tag output to VM 2

SNAT traffic from non-NAPT switch

VM originating the traffic is non-NAPT switch:
  • NAPT group references the logical tunnel group.

    Classifier table (0) =>
    Dispatcher table (17) l3vpn service: set vpn-id=router-id =>
    GW Mac table (19) match: vpn-id=router-id,dst-mac=router-interface-mac =>
    FIB table (21) match: vpn-id=router-id =>
    Pre SNAT table (26) match: vpn-id=router-id =>
    NAPT Group set tun-id=router-id reg6=logical-tun-lport-tag =>
    Egress table (220) match: reg6=logical-tun-lport-tag =>
    Logical tunnel LB select group set reg6=tun1-lport-tag =>
    Egress table (220) match: reg6=tun1-lport-tag output to tunnel1
Traffic from NAPT switch punted to controller:
  • No explicit pipeline changes required

    Classifier table (0) =>
    Internal tunnel Table (36) match:tun-id=router-id =>
    Outbound NAPT table (46) set vpn-id=router-id, punt-to-controller

L2 unicast traffic between VMs in different DPNs

VM originating the traffic (Ingress DPN):
  • ELAN DMAC table references the logical tunnel group

    Classifier table (0) =>
    Dispatcher table (17) l3vpn service: set vpn-id=router-id =>
    GW Mac table (19) =>
    Dispatcher table (17) l2vpn service: set elan-tag=vxlan-net-tag =>
    ELAN base table (48) =>
    ELAN SMAC table (50) match: elan-tag=vxlan-net-tag,src-mac=vm1-mac =>
    ELAN DMAC table (51) match: elan-tag=vxlan-net-tag,dst-mac=vm2-mac set tun-id=vm2-lport-tag reg6=logical-tun-lport-tag =>
    Egress table (220) match: reg6=logical-tun-lport-tag =>
    Logical tunnel LB select group set reg6=tun2-lport-tag =>
    Egress table (220) match: reg6=tun2-lport-tag output to tunnel2
VM receiving the traffic (Ingress DPN):
  • No explicit pipeline changes required

    Classifier table (0) =>
    Internal tunnel Table (36) match:tun-id=vm2-lport-tag set reg6=vm2-lport-tag =>
    Egress table (220) match: reg6=vm2-lport-tag output to VM 2

L2 multicast traffic between VMs in different DPNs

VM originating the traffic (Ingress DPN):
  • ELAN broadcast group references the logical tunnel group.

    Classifier table (0) =>
    Dispatcher table (17) l3vpn service: set vpn-id=router-id =>
    GW Mac table (19) =>
    Dispatcher table (17) l2vpn service: set elan-tag=vxlan-net-tag =>
    ELAN base table (48) =>
    ELAN SMAC table (50) match: elan-tag=vxlan-net-tag,src-mac=vm1-mac =>
    ELAN DMAC table (51) =>
    ELAN DMAC table (52) match: elan-tag=vxlan-net-tag =>
    ELAN BC group goto_group=elan-local-group, set tun-id=vxlan-net-tag reg6=logical-tun-lport-tag =>
    Egress table (220) match: reg6=logical-tun-lport-tag =>
    Logical tunnel LB select group set reg6=tun1-lport-tag =>
    Egress table (220) match: reg6=tun1-lport-tag output to tunnel1
VM receiving the traffic (Ingress DPN):
  • No explicit pipeline changes required

    Classifier table (0) =>
    Internal tunnel Table (36) match:tun-id=vxlan-net-tag =>
    ELAN local BC group set tun-id=vm2-lport-tag =>
    ELAN filter equal table (55) match: tun-id=vm2-lport-tag set reg6=vm2-lport-tag =>
    Egress table (220) match: reg6=vm2-lport-tag output to VM 2

Yang changes

The following changes would be required to support configuration of logical tunnel group:

IFM Yang Changes

Add a new tunnel type to represent the logical group in odl-interface.yang.

identity tunnel-type-logical-group {
    description "Aggregation of multiple tunnel endpoints between two DPNs";
    base tunnel-type-base;

Each tunnel member in the logical group can have an assigned weight as part of tunnel-optional-params in odl-interface:if-tunnel augment to support unequal load sharing.

 grouping tunnel-optional-params {
     leaf tunnel-source-ip-flow {
         type boolean;
         default false;

     leaf tunnel-remote-ip-flow {
         type boolean;
         default false;

     leaf weight {
        type uint16;


ITM Yang Changes

Each tunnel endpoint in itm:transport-zones/transport-zone can be configured with optional weight parameter. Weight configuration will be propagated to tunnel-optional-params.

 list vteps {
      key "dpn-id portname";
      leaf dpn-id {
          type uint64;

      leaf portname {
           type string;

      leaf ip-address {
           type inet:ip-address;

      leaf weight {
           type unit16;
           default 1;

      leaf option-of-tunnel {
           type boolean;
           default false;

The internal tunnel will be enhanced to contain multiple tunnel interfaces

container tunnel-list {
    list internal-tunnel {
        key "source-DPN destination-DPN transport-type";
        leaf source-DPN {
            type uint64;

        leaf destination-DPN {
            type uint64;

        leaf transport-type {
            type identityref {
                base odlif:tunnel-type-base;

        leaf-list tunnel-interface-name {
             type string;

The RPC call itm-rpc:get-internal-or-external-interface-name will be enhanced to contain the destination dp-id as an optional input parameter

 rpc get-internal-or-external-interface-name {
     input {
          leaf source-dpid {
               type uint64;

          leaf destination-dpid {
               type uint64;

          leaf destination-ip {
               type inet:ip-address;

          leaf tunnel-type {
              type identityref {
                   base odlif:tunnel-type-base;

    output {
         leaf interface-name {
              type string;

Configuration impact

Creation of logical tunnel group will be guarded by configuration in itm-config per tunnel-type

 container itm-config {
    config true;
    leaf def-tz-enabled {
       type boolean;
       default false;

    leaf def-tz-tunnel-type {
       type string;
       default "vxlan";

    list tunnel-aggregation {
       key "tunnel-type";
       leaf tunnel-type {
           type string;

       leaf enabled {
           type boolean;
           default false;

Scale and Performance Impact

This feature is expected to increase the datapath throughput by utilizing all available network resources.


There are certain use cases where it would be possible to add the network cards to a separate bridge with LACP enabled and patch it to br-int but this alternative was rejected since it imposes limitations on the type of links and the overall capacity.


Features to Install

This feature doesn’t add any new karaf feature.



URL: restconf/operations/itm-rpc:get-tunnel-interface-name

   "input": {
       "source-dpid": "40146672641571",
       "destination-dpid": "102093507130250",
       "tunnel-type": "odl-interface:tunnel-type-vxlan"

URL: restconf/operations/itm-rpc:get-internal-or-external-interface-name

   "input": {
       "source-dpid": "40146672641571",
       "destination-dpid": "102093507130250",
       "tunnel-type": "odl-interface:tunnel-type-vxlan"


tep:show-state will be enhanced to extract the state of the logical tunnel interface in addition to the actual TEP state.



Primary assignee:

Olga Schukin <olga.schukin@hpe.com>

Other contributors:

Tali Ben-Meir <tali@hpe.com>

Work Items

Trello card: https://trello.com/c/Q7LgiHH7/92-multiple-vxlan-endpoints-for-compute

  • Add support to ITM for creation of multiple tunnels between pair of DPNs

  • Create logical tunnel group in ietf-interface if more than one tunnel exist between two DPNs. Update the interface-child-info model with the list of individual tunnel members

  • Bind a default service for the logical tunnel interface to create OF select group based on the tunnel members

  • Change ITM RPC calls to getTunnelInterfaceName and getInternalOrExternalInterfaceName to prefer the logical tunnel group over the tunnel members

  • Support OF weighted select group


Unit Tests

  • ITM unitests will be enhanced with test cases of multiple tunnels

  • IFM unitests will be enhanced to handle CRUD operations on logical tunnel group


Transport zone creation with multiple tunnels

  • Verify tunnel endpoint creation

  • Verify logical tunnel group creation

  • Verify logical tunnel service binding flows/group

Transport zone removal with multiple tunnels

  • Verify tunnel endpoint removal

  • Verify logical tunnel group removal

  • Verify logical tunnel service binding flows/group removal

Transport zone updates to single/multiple tunnels

  • Verify tunnel endpoint creation/removal

  • Verify logical tunnel group creation/removal

  • Verify logical tunnel service binding flows/group creation/removal

Transport zone creation with multiple OF tunnels

  • Verify tunnel endpoint creation

  • Verify logical tunnel group creation

  • Verify logical tunnel service binding flows/group