

OpenDaylight Controller is Java-based, model-driven controller using YANG as its modeling language for various aspects of the system and applications and with its components serves as a base platform for other OpenDaylight applications.

The OpenDaylight Controller relies on the following technologies:

  • OSGI - This framework is the back-end of OpenDaylight as it allows dynamically loading of bundles and packages JAR files, and binding bundles together for exchanging information.

  • Karaf - Application container built on top of OSGI, which simplifies operational aspects of packaging and installing applications.

  • YANG - a data modeling language used to model configuration and state data manipulated by the applications, remote procedure calls, and notifications.

The OpenDaylight Controller provides following model-driven subsystems as a foundation for Java applications:

  • MD-SAL - messaging and data storage functionality for data, notifications and RPCs modeled by application developers. MD-SAL uses YANG as the modeling for both interface and data definitions, and provides a messaging and data-centric runtime for such services based on YANG modeling.

  • MD-SAL Clustering - enables cluster support for core MD-SAL functionality and provides location-transparent accesss to YANG-modeled data.

The OpenDaylight Controller supports external access to applications and data using following model-driven protocols:

  • NETCONF - XML-based RPC protocol, which provides abilities for client to invoke YANG-modeled RPCs, receive notifications and to read, modify and manipulate YANG modeled data.

  • RESTCONF - HTTP-based protocol, which provides REST-like APIs to manipulate YANG modeled data and invoke YANG modeled RPCs, using XML or JSON as payload format.

MD-SAL Overview

The Model-Driven Service Adaptation Layer (MD-SAL) is message-bus inspired extensible middleware component that provides messaging and data storage functionality based on data and interface models defined by application developers (i.e. user-defined models).


  • Defines a common-layer, concepts, data model building blocks and messaging patterns and provides infrastructure / framework for applications and inter-application communication.

  • Provide common support for user-defined transport and payload formats, including payload serialization and adaptation (e.g. binary, XML or JSON).

The MD-SAL uses YANG as the modeling language for both interface and data definitions, and provides a messaging and data-centric runtime for such services based on YANG modeling.

The MD-SAL provides two different API types (flavours):
  • MD-SAL Binding: MD-SAL APIs which extensively uses APIs and classes generated from YANG models, which provides compile-time safety.

  • MD-SAL DOM: (Document Object Model) APIs which uses DOM-like representation of data, which makes them more powerful, but provides less compile-time safety.


Model-driven nature of the MD-SAL and DOM-based APIs allows for behind-the-scene API and payload type mediation and transformation to facilitate seamless communication between applications - this enables for other components and applications to provide connectors / expose different set of APIs and derive most of its functionality purely from models, which all existing code can benefit from without modification. For example RESTCONF Connector is an application built on top of MD-SAL and exposes YANG-modeled application APIs transparently via HTTP and adds support for XML and JSON payload type.

Basic concepts

Basic concepts are building blocks which are used by applications, and from which MD-SAL uses to define messaging patterns and to provide services and behavior based on developer-supplied YANG models.

Data Tree

All state-related data are modeled and represented as data tree, with possibility to address any element / subtree

  • Operational Data Tree - Reported state of the system, published by the providers using MD-SAL. Represents a feedback loop for applications to observe state of the network / system.

  • Configuration Data Tree - Intended state of the system or network, populated by consumers, which expresses their intention.

Instance Identifier

Unique identifier of node / subtree in data tree, which provides unambiguous information, how to reference and retrieve node / subtree from conceptual data trees.


Asynchronous transient event which may be consumed by subscribers and they may act upon it


asynchronous request-reply message pair, when request is triggered by consumer, send to the provider, which in future replies with reply message.


In MD-SAL terminology, the term RPC is used to define the input and output for a procedure (function) that is to be provided by a provider, and mediated by the MD-SAL, that means it may not result in remote call.

Messaging Patterns

MD-SAL provides several messaging patterns using broker derived from basic concepts, which are intended to transfer YANG modeled data between applications to provide data-centric integration between applications instead of API-centric integration.

  • Unicast communication

    • Remote Procedure Calls - unicast between consumer and provider, where consumer sends request message to provider, which asynchronously responds with reply message

  • Publish / Subscribe

    • Notifications - multicast transient message which is published by provider and is delivered to subscribers

    • Data Change Events - multicast asynchronous event, which is sent by data broker if there is change in conceptual data tree, and is delivered to subscribers

  • Transactional access to Data Tree

    • Transactional reads from conceptual data tree - read-only transactions with isolation from other running transactions.

    • Transactional modification to conceptual data tree - write transactions with isolation from other running transactions.

    • Transaction chaining

MD-SAL Data Transactions

MD-SAL Data Broker provides transactional access to conceptual data trees representing configuration and operational state.


Data tree usually represents state of the modeled data, usually this is state of controller, applications and also external systems (network devices).

Transactions provide stable and isolated view from other currently running transactions. The state of running transaction and underlying data tree is not affected by other concurrently running transactions.


Transaction provides only modification capabilities, but does not provide read capabilities. Write-only transaction is allocated using newWriteOnlyTransaction().


This allows less state tracking for write-only transactions and allows MD-SAL Clustering to optimize internal representation of transaction in cluster.


Transaction provides both read and write capabilities. It is allocated using newReadWriteTransaction().


Transaction provides stable read-only view based on current data tree. Read-only view is not affected by any subsequent write transactions. Read-only transaction is allocated using newReadOnlyTransaction().


If an application needs to observe changes itself in data tree, it should use data tree listeners instead of read-only transactions and polling data tree.

Transactions may be allocated using the data broker itself or using transaction chain. In the case of transaction chain, the new allocated transaction is not based on current state of data tree, but rather on state introduced by previous transaction from the same chain, even if the commit for previous transaction has not yet occurred (but transaction was submitted).

Write-Only & Read-Write Transaction

Write-Only and Read-Write transactions provide modification capabilities for the conceptual data trees.

  1. application allocates new transactions using newWriteOnlyTransaction() or newReadWriteTransaction().

  2. application modifies data tree using put, merge and/or delete.

  3. application finishes transaction using submit(), which seals transaction and submits it to be processed.

  4. application observes the result of the transaction commit using either blocking or asynchronous calls.

The initial state of the write transaction is a stable snapshot of the current data tree state captured when transaction was created and it’s state and underlying data tree are not affected by other concurrently running transactions.

Write transactions are isolated from other concurrent write transactions. All writes are local to the transaction and represents only a proposal of state change for data tree and are not visible to any other concurrently running transactions (including read-only transactions).

The transaction commit may fail due to failing verification of data or concurrent transaction modifying and affected data in an incompatible way.

Modification of Data Tree

Write-only and read-write transaction provides following methods to modify data tree:

<T> void put(LogicalDatastoreType store, InstanceIdentifier<T> path, T data);

Stores a piece of data at a specified path. This acts as an add / replace operation, which is to say that whole subtree will be replaced by the specified data.

<T> void merge(LogicalDatastoreType store, InstanceIdentifier<T> path, T data);

Merges a piece of data with the existing data at a specified path. Any pre-existing data which are not explicitly overwritten will be preserved. This means that if you store a container, its child subtrees will be merged.

void delete(LogicalDatastoreType store, InstanceIdentifier<?> path);

Removes a whole subtree from a specified path.

Submitting transaction

Transaction is submitted to be processed and committed using following method:

CheckedFuture<Void,TransactionCommitFailedException> submit();

Applications publish the changes proposed in the transaction by calling submit() on the transaction. This seals the transaction (preventing any further writes using this transaction) and submits it to be processed and applied to global conceptual data tree. The submit() method does not block, but rather returns ListenableFuture, which will complete successfully once processing of transaction is finished and changes are applied to data tree. If commit of data failed, the future will fail with TransactionFailedException.

Application may listen on commit state asynchronously using ListenableFuture.

Futures.addCallback( writeTx.submit(), new FutureCallback<Void>() {
        public void onSuccess( Void result ) {
            LOG.debug("Transaction committed successfully.");

        public void onFailure( Throwable t ) {
            LOG.error("Commit failed.",e);
  • Submits writeTx and registers application provided FutureCallback on returned future.

  • Invoked when future completed successfully - transaction writeTx was successfully committed to data tree.

  • Invoked when future failed - commit of transaction writeTx failed. Supplied exception provides additional details and cause of failure.

If application need to block till commit is finished it may use checkedGet() to wait till commit is finished.

try {
} catch (TransactionCommitFailedException e) {
    LOG.error("Commit failed.",e);
  • Submits writeTx and blocks till commit of writeTx is finished. If commit fails TransactionCommitFailedException will be thrown.

  • Catches TransactionCommitFailedException and logs it.

Transaction local state

Read-Write transactions maintain transaction-local state, which renders all modifications as if they happened, but this is only local to transaction.

Reads from the transaction returns data as if the previous modifications in transaction already happened.

Let assume initial state of data tree for PATH is A.

ReadWriteTransaction rwTx = broker.newReadWriteTransaction();,PATH).get();
  • Allocates new ReadWriteTransaction.

  • Read from rwTx will return value A for PATH.

  • Writes value B to PATH using rwTx.

  • Read will return value B for PATH, since previous write occurred in same transaction.

  • Writes value C to PATH using rwTx.

  • Read will return value C for PATH, since previous write occurred in same transaction.

Transaction isolation

Running (not submitted) transactions are isolated from each other and changes done in one transaction are not observable in other currently running transaction.

Lets assume initial state of data tree for PATH is A.

ReadOnlyTransaction txRead = broker.newReadOnlyTransaction();
ReadWriteTransaction txWrite = broker.newReadWriteTransaction();,PATH).get();
txAfterCommit = broker.newReadOnlyTransaction();,PATH).get();
  • Allocates read only transaction, which is based on data tree which contains value A for PATH.

  • Allocates read write transaction, which is based on data tree which contains value A for PATH.

  • Read from read-only transaction returns value A for PATH.

  • Data tree is updated using read-write transaction, PATH contains B. Change is not public and only local to transaction.

  • Read from read-write transaction returns value B for PATH.

  • Submits changes in read-write transaction to be committed to data tree. Once commit will finish, changes will be published and PATH will be updated for value B. Previously allocated transactions are not affected by this change.

  • Read from previously allocated read-only transaction still returns value A for PATH, since it provides stable and isolated view.

  • Allocates new read-only transaction, which is based on data tree, which contains value B for PATH.

  • Read from new read-only transaction return value B for PATH since read-write transaction was committed.


Examples contain blocking calls on future only to illustrate that action happened after other asynchronous action. The use of the blocking call ListenableFuture#get() is discouraged for most use-cases and you should use Futures#addCallback(ListenableFuture, FutureCallback) to listen asynchronously for result.

Commit failure scenarios

A transaction commit may fail because of following reasons:

Optimistic Lock Failure

Another transaction finished earlier and modified the same node in a non-compatible way. The commit (and the returned future) will fail with an OptimisticLockFailedException.

It is the responsibility of the caller to create a new transaction and submit the same modification again in order to update data tree.


OptimisticLockFailedException usually exposes multiple writers to the same data subtree, which may conflict on same resources.

In most cases, retrying may result in a probability of success.

There are scenarios, albeit unusual, where any number of retries will not succeed. Therefore it is strongly recommended to limit the number of retries (2 or 3) to avoid an endless loop.

Data Validation

The data change introduced by this transaction did not pass validation by commit handlers or data was incorrectly structured. The returned future will fail with a DataValidationFailedException. User should not retry to create new transaction with same data, since it probably will fail again.

Example conflict of two transactions

This example illustrates two concurrent transactions, which derived from same initial state of data tree and proposes conflicting modifications.

WriteTransaction txA = broker.newWriteTransaction();
WriteTransaction txB = broker.newWriteTransaction();


CheckedFuture<?,?> futureA = txA.submit();
CheckedFuture<?,?> futureB = txB.submit();
  • Updates PATH to value A using txA

  • Updates PATH to value B using txB

  • Seals & submits txA. The commit will be processed asynchronously and data tree will be updated to contain value A for PATH. The returned ‘ListenableFuture’ will complete successfully once state is applied to data tree.

  • Seals & submits txB. Commit of txB will fail, because previous transaction also modified path in a concurrent way. The state introduced by txB will not be applied. The returned ListenableFuture will fail with OptimisticLockFailedException exception, which indicates that concurrent transaction prevented the submitted transaction from being applied.

Example asynchronous retry-loop

private void doWrite( final int tries ) {
    WriteTransaction writeTx = dataBroker.newWriteOnlyTransaction();

    MyDataObject data = ...;
    InstanceIdentifier<MyDataObject> path = ...;
    writeTx.put( LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, path, data );

    Futures.addCallback( writeTx.submit(), new FutureCallback<Void>() {
        public void onSuccess( Void result ) {
            // succeeded

        public void onFailure( Throwable t ) {
            if( t instanceof OptimisticLockFailedException && (( tries - 1 ) > 0)) {
                doWrite( tries - 1 );
doWrite( 2 );

Concurrent change compatibility

There are several sets of changes which could be considered incompatible between two transactions which are derived from same initial state. Rules for conflict detection applies recursively for each subtree level.

Following table shows state changes and failures between two concurrent transactions, which are based on same initial state, tx1 is submitted before tx2.

INFO: Following tables stores numeric values and shows data using toString() to simplify examples.

Initial state



Observable Result




tx2 will fail, value of A is 1




value of A is 2




tx2 will fail, value of A is 1




A is 2




tx2 will fail, A is 1




A is 2




tx2 will fail, value of A is 1




A is 2




tx2 will fail, A does not exists




A is 2

Table: Concurrent change resolution for leaves and leaf-list items

Initial state







tx2 will fail, state is TOP=[]








tx2 will fail, state is TOP=[FOO=1]








tx2 will fail, state is TOP=[FOO=1]








tx2 will fail, state is TOP=[FOO=1]




state is TOP=[FOO=1,BAR=1]




tx2 will fail, state is TOP=[FOO=1]




state is TOP=[FOO=1,BAR=1]




tx2 will fail, state is empty store




state is TOP=[BAR=1]




state is TOP=[FOO=1,BAR=1]




state is TOP=[FOO=1,BAR=1]




state is TOP=[FOO=1,BAR=1]




state is TOP=[FOO=1,BAR=1]




tx2 will fail, state is empty store




tx2 will fail, state is empty store




state is TOP=[FOO=2,BAR=1]




state is TOP=[FOO=2,BAR=1]




state is TOP=[FOO=2,BAR=1]




state is TOP=[FOO=2,BAR=1]




state is TOP=[BAR=1]




state is TOP=[BAR=1]

Table: Concurrent change resolution for containers, lists, list items

MD-SAL RPC routing

The MD-SAL provides a way to deliver Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) to a particular implementation based on content in the input as it is modeled in YANG. This part of the RPC input is referred to as a context reference.

The MD-SAL does not dictate the name of the leaf which is used for this RPC routing, but provides necessary functionality for YANG model author to define their context reference in their model of RPCs.

MD-SAL routing behavior is modeled using following terminology and its application to YANG models:

Context Type

Logical type of RPC routing. Context type is modeled as YANG identity and is referenced in model to provide scoping information.

Context Instance

Conceptual location in data tree, which represents context in which RPC could be executed. Context instance usually represent logical point to which RPC execution is attached.

Context Reference

Field of RPC input payload which contains Instance Identifier referencing context instance in which the RPC should be executed.

Modeling a routed RPC

In order to define routed RPCs, the YANG model author needs to declare (or reuse) a context type, set of possible context instances and finally RPCs which will contain context reference on which they will be routed.

Declaring a routing context type

identity node-context {
    description "Identity used to mark node context";

This declares an identity named node-context, which is used as marker for node-based routing and is used in other places to reference that routing type.

Declaring possible context instances

In order to define possible values of context instances for routed RPCs, we need to model that set accordingly using context-instance extension from the yang-ext model.

import yang-ext { prefix ext; }

/** Base structure **/
container nodes {
    list node {
        key "id";
        ext:context-instance "node-context";
        // other node-related fields would go here

The statement ext:context-instance "node-context"; marks any element of the list node as a possible valid context instance in node-context based routing.


The existence of a context instance node in operational or config data tree is not strongly tied to existence of RPC implementation.

For most routed RPC models, there is relationship between the data present in operational data tree and RPC implementation availability, but this is not enforced by MD-SAL. This provides some flexibility for YANG model writers to better specify their routing model and requirements for implementations. Details when RPC implementations are available should be documented in YANG model.

If user invokes RPC with a context instance that has no registered implementation, the RPC invocation will fail with the exception DOMRpcImplementationNotAvailableException.

Declaring a routed RPC

To declare RPC to be routed based on node-context we need to add leaf of instance-identifier type (or type derived from instance-identifier) to the RPC and mark it as context reference.

This is achieved using YANG extension context-reference from yang-ext model on leaf, which will be used for RPC routing.

rpc example-routed-rpc  {
    input {
        leaf node {
            ext:context-reference "node-context";
            type "instance-identifier";
        // other input to the RPC would go here

The statement ext:context-reference "node-context" marks leaf node as context reference of type node-context. The value of this leaf, will be used by the MD-SAL to select the particular RPC implementation that registered itself as the implementation of the RPC for particular context instance.

Using routed RPCs

From a user perspective (e.g. invoking RPCs) there is no difference between routed and non-routed RPCs. Routing information is just an additional leaf in RPC which must be populated.

Implementing a routed RPC


Registering implementations

Implementations of a routed RPC (e.g., southbound plugins) will specify an instance-identifier for the context reference (in this case a node) for which they want to provide an implementation during registration. Consumers, e.g., those calling the RPC are required to specify that instance-identifier (in this case the identifier of a node) when invoking RPC.

Simple code which showcases that for add-flow via Binding-Aware APIs ( ):

61  @Override
62  public void onSessionInitiated(ProviderContext session) {
63      assertNotNull(session);
64      firstReg = session.addRoutedRpcImplementation(SalFlowService.class, salFlowService1);
65  }

Line 64: We are registering salFlowService1 as implementation of SalFlowService RPC

107  NodeRef nodeOne = createNodeRef("foo:node:1");
109  /**
110   * Provider 1 registers path of node 1
111   */
112  firstReg.registerPath(NodeContext.class, nodeOne);

Line 107: We are creating NodeRef (encapsulation of InstanceIdentifier) for “foo:node:1”.

Line 112: We register salFlowService1 as implementation for nodeOne.

The salFlowService1 will be executed only for RPCs which contains Instance Identifier for foo:node:1.

RPCs and cluster

In case there is is only a single provider of an RPC in the cluster the RPC registration is propagated to other nodes via Gossip protocol and the RPC calls from other nodes are correctly routed to the provider. Since the registrations are not expected to change rapidly there is a latency of about 1 second until the registration is reflected on the remote nodes.

OpenDaylight Controller MD-SAL: RESTCONF

RESTCONF operations overview

RESTCONF allows access to datastores in the controller.
There are two datastores:
  • Config: Contains data inserted via controller

  • Operational: Contains other data


Each request must start with the URI /rests.
RESTCONF listens on port 8080 for HTTP requests.

RESTCONF supports OPTIONS, GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE operations. Request and response data can either be in the XML or JSON format. XML structures according to yang are defined at: XML-YANG. JSON structures are defined at: JSON-YANG. Data in the request must have a correctly set Content-Type field in the http header with the allowed value of the media type. The media type of the requested data has to be set in the Accept field. Get the media types for each resource by calling the OPTIONS operation. Most of the paths of the pathsRestconf endpoints use Instance Identifier. <identifier> is used in the explanation of the operations.

  • It must start with <moduleName>:<nodeName> where <moduleName> is a name of the module and <nodeName> is the name of a node in the module. It is sufficient to just use <nodeName> after <moduleName>:<nodeName>. Each <nodeName> has to be separated by /.

  • <nodeName> can represent a data node which is a list or container yang built-in type. If the data node is a list, there must be defined keys of the list behind the data node name for example, <nodeName>=<valueOfKey1>,<valueOfKey2>.

  • The format <moduleName>:<nodeName> has to be used in this case as well:
    Module A has node A1. Module B augments node A1 by adding node X. Module C augments node A1 by adding node X. For clarity, it has to be known which node is X (for example: C:X). For more details about encoding, see: RESTCONF RFC 8040 - Encoding YANG Instance Identifiers in the Request URI.

Mount point

A Node can be behind a mount point. In this case, the URI has to be in format <identifier>/yang-ext:mount/<identifier>. The first <identifier> is the path to a mount point and the second <identifier> is the path to a node behind the mount point. A URI can end in a mount point itself by using <identifier>/yang-ext:mount.
More information on how to actually use mountpoints is available at: OpenDaylight Controller:Config:Examples:Netconf.

HTTP methods

OPTIONS /rests

  • Returns the XML description of the resources with the required request and response media types in Web Application Description Language (WADL)

GET /rests/data/<identifier>?content=config

  • Returns a data node from the Config datastore.

  • <identifier> points to a data node which must be retrieved.

GET /rests/data/<identifier>?content=nonconfig

  • Returns the value of the data node from the non-configuration datastore.

  • <identifier> points to a data node which must be retrieved.

PUT /rests/data/<identifier>

  • Updates or creates data in the Config datastore and returns the state about success.

  • <identifier> points to a data node which must be stored.

PUT http://<controllerIP>:8080/rests/data/module1:foo/bar
Content-Type: applicaton/xml
Example with mount point:
PUT http://<controllerIP>:8080/rests/data/module1:foo1/foo2/yang-ext:mount/module2:foo/bar
Content-Type: applicaton/xml

POST /rests/data

  • Creates the data if it does not exist

For example:
POST URL: http://localhost:8080/rests/data/
content-type: application/
JSON payload:

     "toaster:toaster" :
       "toaster:toasterManufacturer" : "General Electric",
       "toaster:toasterModelNumber" : "123",
       "toaster:toasterStatus" : "up"

POST /rests/data/<identifier>

  • Creates the data if it does not exist in the Config datastore, and returns the state about success.

  • <identifier> points to a data node where data must be stored.

  • The root element of data must have the namespace (data are in XML) or module name (data are in JSON.)

POST http://<controllerIP>:8080/rests/data/module1:foo
Content-Type: applicaton/xml/
<bar xmlns=“module1namespace”>

Example with mount point:

Content-Type: applicaton/xml
<bar xmlns=“module2namespace”>

POST /rests/operations/<moduleName>:<rpcName>

  • Invokes RPC.

  • <moduleName>:<rpcName> - <moduleName> is the name of the module and <rpcName> is the name of the RPC in this module.

  • The Root element of the data sent to RPC must have the name “input”.

  • The result can be the status code or the retrieved data having the root element “output”.

POST http://<controllerIP>:8080/rests/operations/module1:fooRpc
Content-Type: applicaton/xml
Accept: applicaton/xml

The answer from the server could be:
An example using a JSON payload:
POST http://localhost:8080/rests/operations/toaster:make-toast
Content-Type: application/
  "input" :
     "toaster:toasterDoneness" : "10",


Even though this is a default for the toasterToastType value in the yang, you still need to define it.

DELETE /rests/data/<identifier>

  • Removes the data node in the Config datastore and returns the state about success.

  • <identifier> points to a data node which must be removed.

More information is available in the RESTCONF RFC.

How RESTCONF works

RESTCONF uses these base classes:

Represents the path in the data tree


Used for invoking RPCs


Offers manipulation with transactions and reading data from the datastores


Holds information about yang modules


Returns MountInstance based on the InstanceIdentifier pointing to a mount point


Contains the SchemaContext behind the mount point


Provides information about the schema node


Possesses the same name as the schema node, and contains the value representing the data node value


Can contain CompositeNode-s and SimpleNode-s

GET in action

Figure 1 shows the GET operation with URI rests/data/M:N?content=config where M is the module name, and N is the node name.



  1. The requested URI is translated into the InstanceIdentifier which points to the data node. During this translation, the DataSchemaNode that conforms to the data node is obtained. If the data node is behind the mount point, the MountInstance is obtained as well.

  2. RESTCONF asks for the value of the data node from DataBrokerService based on InstanceIdentifier.

  3. DataBrokerService returns CompositeNode as data.

  4. StructuredDataToXmlProvider or StructuredDataToJsonProvider is called based on the Accept field from the http request. These two providers can transform CompositeNode regarding DataSchemaNode to an XML or JSON document.

  5. XML or JSON is returned as the answer on the request from the client.

PUT in action

Figure 2 shows the PUT operation with the URI rests/data/M:N where M is the module name, and N is the node name. Data is sent in the request either in the XML or JSON format.



  1. Input data is sent to JsonToCompositeNodeProvider or XmlToCompositeNodeProvider. The correct provider is selected based on the Content-Type field from the http request. These two providers can transform input data to CompositeNode. However, this CompositeNode does not contain enough information for transactions.

  2. The requested URI is translated into InstanceIdentifier which points to the data node. DataSchemaNode conforming to the data node is obtained during this translation. If the data node is behind the mount point, the MountInstance is obtained as well.

  3. CompositeNode can be normalized by adding additional information from DataSchemaNode.

  4. RESTCONF begins the transaction, and puts CompositeNode with InstanceIdentifier into it. The response on the request from the client is the status code which depends on the result from the transaction.

Something practical

  1. Create a new flow on the switch openflow:1 in table 2.

HTTP request
Operation: POST
Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
HTTP response
Status: 204 No Content
  1. Change strict to true in the previous flow.

HTTP request
Operation: PUT
Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
HTTP response
Status: 200 OK
  1. Show flow: check that strict is true.

HTTP request
Operation: GET
Accept: application/xml
HTTP response
Status: 200 OK
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
  1. Delete the flow created.

HTTP request
Operation: DELETE
HTTP response
Status: 200 OK