Running Path Computation

This section details how to install and use the Path Computation Algorithm feature.


Install feature - features-algo. Also, for the sake of this sample, it is required to install RESTCONF in order to use the Path Computation service.

In the Karaf console, type command:

feature:install features-restconf features-algo

Yang Model

Path Computation algorithm used Graph plugin, thus graph API and yang models. A new yang model has been introduced in order to define constrained path model as well as a new RPC service to call Path Computation Algorithm plugin. The model is given below:

module: path-computation
+--rw constrained-path
   +--rw metric?             uint32
   +--rw te-metric?          uint32
   +--rw delay?              gr:delay
   +--rw jitter?             gr:delay
   +--rw loss?               gr:loss
   +--rw admin-group?        uint32
   +--rw address-family?     enumeration
   +--rw class-type?         uint8
   +--rw bandwidth?          gr:decimal-bandwidth
   +--rw source?             uint64
   +--rw destination?        uint64
   +--rw path-description* []
   |  +--rw ipv4?    inet:ipv4-address
   |  +--rw ipv6?    inet:ipv6-address
   |  +--rw label?   netc:mpls-label
   +--rw status?             computation-status

   +---x get-constrained-path
      +---w input
      |  +---w graph-name     string
      |  +---w source?        uint64
      |  +---w destination?   uint64
      |  +---w constraints
      |  |  +---w metric?           uint32
      |  |  +---w te-metric?        uint32
      |  |  +---w delay?            gr:delay
      |  |  +---w jitter?           gr:delay
      |  |  +---w loss?             gr:loss
      |  |  +---w admin-group?      uint32
      |  |  +---w address-family?   enumeration
      |  |  +---w class-type?       uint8
      |  |  +---w bandwidth?        gr:decimal-bandwidth
      |  +---w algorithm?     algorithm-type
      +--ro output
         +--ro path-description* []
         |  +--ro ipv4?    inet:ipv4-address
         |  +--ro ipv6?    inet:ipv6-address
         |  +--ro label?   netc:mpls-label
         +--ro status?               computation-status
         +--ro computed-metric?      uint32
         +--ro computed-te-metric?   uint32
         +--ro computed-delay?       gr:delay


This section details how to use the Path Computation Service RPC that could be used to request a path computation from a source to a destination with given constraints over a given graph.

Get Constrained Path

Path Computation algorithms are accessible through the RPC described below:

URL: restconf/operations/path-computation:get-constrained-path

Method: POST

Content-Type: application/json

Request Body:

 1   {
 2      "input": {
 3         "graph-name": "example",
 4         "source": 9,
 5         "destination": 4,
 6         "constraints": {
 7            "address-family": "ipv4",
 8            "te-metric": 250,
 9            "bandwidth": 100000000,
10            "class-type": 0
11         },
12         "algorithm": "cspf"
13      }
14   }

@line 3: graph-name The name of the graph that must exist.

@line 4: source The source as vertex ID in the graph.

@line 5: destination - The destination as vertex ID in the graph.

@line 6: constraints - List of Constraints. Possible values are:

  • address-family (ipv4, ipv6, sr-ipv4 and sr-ipv6) - default ipv4

  • te-metric as integer value

  • bandwidth (byte/sec) as integer value

  • class-type for the bandwidth - default 0

  • delay (micro-second) as integer value

@line 12: algorithm - Type of Path Computation Algorithm Valid options are spf, cspf and samcra - default spf.

Response Body:

 1   {
 2      "output": {
 3         "computed-metric": 210,
 4         "status": "completed",
 5         "path-description": [
 6               {
 7                  "ipv4": ""
 8               },
 9               {
10                  "ipv4": ""
11               },
12               {
13                  "ipv4": ""
14               }
15         ]
16      }
17   }


Debug message could be activated with:

log:set DEBUG org.opendaylight.algo

Then check log with log:tail command.

In particular, if answer is failed check that source and destination vertices are known in the graph and that constraints are not too huge. A good advice is to start first by relaxing some constraints to see if algorithm could find a valid path or not, and then re-enable constraints one by one to find which one could not be met. Logs will also provide information about constraints that are not met during the path computation.