.. _coding-guidelines-python: ############################ Coding Guidelines for Python ############################ *Note: This document is a work in progress.* PEP8 is the Python standard that should be followed when coding any Python code with the following exceptions. - 120 characters line length To automate pep8 scanning we recommend using a ``tox.ini`` configuration file as follows:: [tox] envlist = pep8 #skipsdist = true # Command only available in tox 1.6.0 [testenv:pep8] deps = flake8 commands = flake8 [flake8] max-line-length = 120 Unfortunately the version of tox installed in the Jenkins build infra does not support the ``skipdist`` parameter which is necessary if your project does not have a ``setup.py`` file. A workaround is to create a minimal ``setup.py`` file as follows:: # Workaround for tox missing parameter 'skipsdist=true' which was not # introduced until tox 1.6.0 import setuptools setuptools.setup(name='project-name')